Washington, D.C. 20549

                                     FORM 10-Q
                     Quarterly Report Under Section 13 or 15(d)
                       of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Quarter Ended   November 1, 1997          Commission File Number   0-15898
                ----------------                                   -------

                                   DESIGNS, INC.
                            (Exact name of registrant as
                             specified in its charter)

      Delaware                                    04-2623104
- -------------------------------          -------------------------------
(State or other jurisdiction of         (IRS Employer Identification No.)
incorporation or organization)

     66 B Street, Needham, MA                              02194
- ----------------------------------------                ----------
(Address of principal executive offices)                (Zip Code)

                                   (781) 444-7222
                              (Registrant's telephone
                             number, including area code)

Indicate by "X" whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required to 
be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Act of 1934 during the 
preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was 
required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing 
requirements for the past 90 days.

Yes  X       No
   ----        ----

Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's classes of 
common stock, as of the latest practicable date.

          Class                    Outstanding as of November 1, 1997
          ------                   ----------------------------------
          Common                          15,688,416 shares

                               DESIGNS, INC.
                       CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
          November 1, 1997,  November 2, 1996 and February 1, 1997
                     (In thousands, except share data)

                                 November 1,     November 2,   February 1,
                                     1997           1996          1997
                                 -----------     -----------   -----------

Current Assets:
 Cash and cash equivalents        $  2,402        $ 19,954      $  3,390
 Short-term investments               ----            ----         5,887
 Accounts receivable                   358             838           558
 Inventories (Note 6)               82,849          70,766        79,958
 Income taxes deferred and  
  refundable                        14,603             922         1,160
 Pre-opening costs, net                242             202           524
 Prepaid expenses                    4,362           5,142         4,834
                                  --------        --------      --------
                                   104,816          97,824        96,311

Property and equipment, net of
accumulated depreciation and 
amortization                        38,205          39,652        39,216

Other assets:
 Long-term investments                ----           5,847          ----
 Deferred income taxes               2,700           2,720         2,743
 Intangible assets                   3,010           3,128         3,078
 Other assets                          253             586           412
                                 ---------       ---------     ---------
Total Assets                     $ 148,984       $ 149,757     $ 141,760
                                 =========       =========     =========


Current liabilities:
 Accounts payable                $  27,229       $  17,476     $  12,194
 Accrued expenses and other
 current liabilities                 7,551          10,354         7,046
 Accrued rent                        2,739           2,737         2,398
 Reserve for store closings        
 (Note 6)                            5,040            ----          ----
 Income taxes payable                 ----           1,789         1,353 
 Notes payable (Note 4)             10,000           1,000         1,000
                                 ---------       ---------     --------- 
Total Liabilities                   52,559          33,356        23,991

Minority Interest (Note 2)           5,427           6,510         6,724

Stockholders' equity:
 Preferred Stock, $0.01 par value, 
 1,000,000 shares authorized, none  
 issued Common Stock, $0.01 par 
 value, 50,000,000 shares 
 authorized, 15,969,000, 
 15,752,000 and 15,873,000 shares 
 issued at November 1, 1997, 
 November 2, 1996 and February 1,
 1997, respectively                    160            159            159
 Additional paid-in capital         53,541         53,307         53,320
 Retained earnings                  39,124         57,201         59,393
 Treasury stock at cost, 281,000 
 shares at November 1, 1997 and 
 February 1, 1997 and 120,500
 shares at November 2, 1996         (1,827)          (776)        (1,827)
                                 ---------      ---------      --------- 
Total Stockholders' equity          90,998        109,891        111,045
                                 ---------      ---------      ---------
                                 $ 148,984      $ 149,757      $ 141,760
                                 ==========     =========      =========

            The accompanying notes are an integral part of the
                     consolidated financial statements.

                           DESIGNS, INC.
               (In thousands, except per share data)

                                                 Three Months Ended
                                             November 1,    November 2,
                                                1997            1996
                                             -----------    ---------- 

   Sales                                     $   77,459     $   84,958
   Cost of goods sold including
    occupancy                                    58,659         57,312
                                             ----------     ----------
   Gross profit (Note 6)                         18,800         27,646

    Selling, general and administrative          16,466         17,025
    Provision for impairment of assets 
     and store closings (Note 6)                   ----           ----    
    Depreciation and amortization                 2,799          2,704
                                             ----------     ----------
   Total expenses                                19,265         19,729
                                             ----------     ----------

   Operating income (loss)                         (465)         7,917

   Interest expense                                 258             46
   Interest income                                   26            325
                                             ----------     ----------
   Income (loss) before minority interest
    and income taxes                               (697)         8,196

   Less minority interest                           240            248
                                             ----------     ---------- 
   Income (loss) before income taxes               (937)         7,948

   Provision (benefit) for income
   taxes                                           (370)         3,284
                                             ----------     ---------- 
   Net income (loss)                         $     (567)    $    4,664
                                             ==========     ==========

   Net income (loss) per common and
   common equivalent share                   $    (0.04)    $     0.30

   Weighted average common and
   common equivalent shares outstanding          15,641         15,810

                 The accompanying notes are an integral part of
                      the consolidated financial statements.

                                DESIGNS, INC.
                    (In thousands, except per share data)

                                                 Nine Months Ended
                                             November 1,   November 2,
                                                 1997           1996
                                             -----------   -----------

  Sales                                       $  197,472    $  210,818
  Cost of goods sold including
   occupancy                                     167,771       146,450
                                              ----------    ----------
  Gross profit (Note 6)                           29,701        64,368

   Selling, general and administrative            49,470        50,262
   Provision for impairment of assets 
    and store closings (Note 6)                    6,046          ----
   Depreciation and amortization                   8,466         7,854
                                              ----------     ---------
  Total expenses                                  63,982        58,116
                                              ----------     ---------
  Operating income (loss)                        (34,281)        6,252

  Interest expense                                   664           134
  Interest income                                     94           905
                                              ----------     ---------
  Income (loss) before minority
  interest and income taxes                      (34,851)        7,023

  Less minority interest                            (187)          104
                                              ----------     ---------
  Income (loss) before income
  taxes                                          (34,664)        6,919

  Provision (benefit) for income
  taxes                                          (14,333)        2,846
                                              ----------     ---------
  Net income (loss)                           $  (20,331)    $   4,073
                                              ==========     =========

  Net income (loss) per common
  and common equivalent share                 $    (1.30)    $    0.26

  Weighted average common and
  common equivalent shares outstanding            15,623        15,814

               The accompanying notes are an integral part of
                   the consolidated financial statements.

                                 DESIGNS, INC.
                     (In thousands, except per share data)

                                               Twelve Months Ended
                                            November 1,   November 2,
                                               1997            1996
                                            -----------   -----------

  Sales                                     $   276,247    $  298,346
  Cost of goods sold including
   occupancy                                    224,685       210,281
                                             ----------     ---------
  Gross profit (Note 6)                          51,562        88,065

   Selling, general and administrative           65,144        68,682
   Provision for impairment of assets 
    and store closings (Note 6)                   6,046          ----
   Depreciation and amortization                 11,015        10,312
                                             ----------     ---------
  Total expenses                                 82,205        78,994
                                             ----------     ---------
  Operating income (loss)                       (30,643)        9,071

  Interest expense                                  727           176
  Interest income                                   355         1,380
                                             ----------     ---------
  Income (loss) before minority
  interest and income taxes                     (31,015)       10,275

  Less minority interest                            204           134
                                             ----------     ---------
  Income (loss) before income taxes             (31,219)       10,141

  Provision (benefit) for income
  taxes                                         (13,079)        4,119
                                             ----------     ---------
  Net income (loss)                          $  (18,140)    $   6,022
                                             ==========     =========

  Net income (loss) per common and
  common equivalent share                    $    (1.16)    $    0.38

  Weighted average common and
  common equivalent shares outstanding           15,616        15,803

              The accompanying notes are an integral part of
                  the consolidated financial statements.

                             STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
                             (In thousands-Unaudited)

                                                Nine months ended
                                           November 1,     November 2,
                                               1997           1996
                                           -----------     ----------- 

Cash flows from operating
 Net income (loss)                         $  (20,331)      $   4,073
 Adjustments to reconcile to net cash
 used for operating activities:
   Depreciation and amortization                8,466           7,854
   Minority interest                             (187)            104
   Loss on sale of investments                    102              17
   Loss from disposal of property
   and equipment                                   26             390

 Changes in operating assets and
   Accounts receivable                            200            (365)
   Inventories                                 (2,891)        (12,758)
   Prepaid expenses                               472          (1,173)
   Reserve for store closing                    5,347            ----
   Income taxes payable                       (14,796)          1,789
   Accounts payable                            15,035           9,291
   Accrued expenses and other
    current liabilities                           505           2,464
   Accrued rent                                   341             151
                                              -------         ------- 
Net cash (used for) provided by               
 operating activities                          (7,711)         11,837
                                              -------         -------  
Cash flows from investing activities:
   Additions to property and  
    equipment                                  (7,115)        (11,163)
   Incurrence of pre-opening costs               (327)           (265)
   Proceeds from disposal of
    property and equipment                        154              61
   Sale and maturity of investments             5,888           6,126
   Reduction in other assets                       12             171
   Distributions to joint venture partner      (1,110)           ----
                                              -------         --------
 Net cash used for investing activities        (2,498)         (5,070)
                                              -------         --------

Cash flows from financing activities:
   Net borrowings under credit facility         9,000            ----   
   Purchase of treasury stock                    ----            (776)   
   Issuance of common stock under       
   option program (1)                             221              22
                                              -------         -------
 Net cash provided by (used for)     
 financing activities                           9,221            (754) 
                                              -------         -------
Net increase (decrease) in cash and   
cash equivalents                                 (988)          6,013
Cash and cash equivalents: 
 Beginning of the year                          3,390          13,941  
                                             --------        --------
 End of the quarter                          $  2,402        $ 19,954
                                             ========        ========

Supplementary Cash Flow Disclosure
   Cash paid:
    Interest                                 $    508        $     84
    Taxes, net                                    415             940

 (1) Net of related tax effect.

           The accompanying notes are an integral part of the
                   consolidated financial statements.

                                 DESIGNS, INC.
                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

1.   Basis of Presentation

In the opinion of management of the Company, the accompanying unaudited
consolidated financial statements contain all adjustments (consisting only of
normal recurring adjustments as well as a provision for impairment of assets
and store closings described in Note 6) necessary for a fair presentation of
the interim financial statements.  These financial statements do not include 
all disclosures associated with annual financial statements and, accordingly,
should be read in conjunction with the notes contained in the Company's 
audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended February 1, 
1997.  The Company's business has historically been seasonal in nature and the
results of the interim periods presented are not necessarily indicative of the
results to be expected for the full year.

2.   Minority Interest

On January 28, 1995, Designs JV Corp., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the 
Company, entered into a partnership agreement with LDJV Inc. (the "Partnership
Agreement") establishing a joint venture to sell Levi's(R) brand jeans and
jeans-related products in Original Levi's StoresTM and Levi's(R) Outlet 
stores.  LDJV Inc. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Levi's Only Stores, Inc. 
("LOS"), which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Levi Strauss & Co.  The joint 
venture that was established by the Partnership Agreement is known as The 
Designs/OLS Partnership (the "OLS Partnership").  The operating results of 
the OLS Partnership are consolidated with the financial statements of the 
Company for the three, nine and twelve months ended November 1, 1997. 
Minority interest at November 1, 1997, represents LDJV Inc.'s 30% interest 
in the OLS Partnership.  During the first nine months of fiscal 1997, the 
OLS Partnership distributed $3.7 million in "Excess Cash" to its partners in
accordance with the terms of the Partnership Agreement.  The OLS Partnership
is also obligated to distribute funds to its partners enabling them to pay 
taxes associated with the related earnings.  No cash distributions for 
payment of taxes were required during the nine months ended November 1, 1997 
and $110,000 was paid to the partners for this purpose for the nine months 
ended November 2, 1996. 

3.   Boston Trading Ltd., Inc. Acquisition

On May 2, 1995, the Company acquired certain assets of Boston Trading Ltd., 
Inc.  In accordance with the terms of the Asset Purchase Agreement dated April
21, 1995, the Company paid $5.4 million in cash, financed by operations, and
delivered a non-negotiable promissory note in the principal amount of $1 
million (the "Purchase Note") payable in two equal annual installments 
through May 2, 1997.  In the first quarter of fiscal 1996, the Company 
asserted rights of indemnification under the Asset Purchase Agreement.  In 
accordance with the Asset Purchase Agreement, the Company, when exercising its 
indemnification rights, has the right, among other courses of action, to 
offset against the payment of principal and interest due and payable under 
the Purchase Note.  Accordingly, the Company did not make either of the 
$500,000 payments of principal due on the Purchase Note on May 2, 1996 and 
May 2, 1997.  The Company paid interest on the original principal amount of 
the Purchase Note through May 2, 1996 and has continued to pay interest 
thereafter through November 2, 1997 on $500,000 of principal.

4.   Credit Facility

On December 10, 1997, subsequent to the end of the third quarter, the Company
entered into a Credit Agreement (the "Credit Agreement") with BankBoston, N.A.
The credit facility established by the Credit Agreement, which terminates on
June 30, 1999, consists of a revolving line of credit permitting the Company 
to borrow up to $25 million.  Under the facility, the Company may cause 
BankBoston to issue documentary and standby letters of credit up to 
$2 million.  Availability of the unused revolving line of credit is subject to
borrowing base requirements and compliance with certain earnings, net worth 
and inventory turnover covenants and a cash flow ratio covenant which is 
effective for the fourth quarter of fiscal 1998.  The Company's borrowings
under the credit facility are secured by a security interest in all of the 
Company's Levi Strauss & Co. brand inventory, accounts receivable and certain
intangible assets of the Company, excluding the assets of the OLS Partnership 
and the Company's Boston Traders(R) trademark and related trademarks.  The 
security interest may be released when the Company achieves certain minimum 
cash flow ratio requirements.  At the option of the Company, borrowings under
this facility bear interest at BankBoston, N.A.'s prime rate or at LIBOR-based
fixed rates (depending upon the Company's quarterly ratio of cash flow to 
fixed charges).  Under the Credit Agreement, the Company has agreed not to pay
cash dividends on its Common Stock if such payment would cause the Company to
be in default of certain financial ratios.  To date, the Company has not paid
any cash dividends.

At November 1, 1997, the Company was not in compliance with the cash flow 
ratio covenant included in its previous Amended and Restated Credit Agreement
dated as of July 24, 1996 with BankBoston, N.A. and State Street Bank and 
Trust Company (the "1996 Credit Agreement").  Upon entering into the new 
Credit Agreement, BankBoston, N.A. and State Street Bank and Trust Company 
waived compliance with this covenant under the 1996 Credit Agreement for the
quarter ended November 1, 1997.  At November 1, 1997, the Company had no 
outstanding commercial and trade letters of credit and two outstanding standby 
letters of credit totaling approximately $212,000.

5.   Joint Venture Credit Agreement

During the third quarter of fiscal 1996 the Company entered into a Credit
Agreement (the "OLS Credit Agreement") with the OLS Partnership and LOS under
which the Company and LOS are committed to make advances to the OLS 
Partnership in the amount of $3.5 million and $1.5 million, respectively.  
The facility bears interest at BankBoston, N.A.'s prime rate.  During the 
third quarter of fiscal year 1997, the term of the OLS Credit Agreement was 
extended through September 30, 1998, unless earlier terminated pursuant to 
the provisions of the OLS Credit Agreement.  This Agreement provides that 
there will be no unpaid credit advances outstanding on the last day of any 
fiscal year.  No advances were outstanding under this facility through the 
third quarter of fiscal 1997.

6.   Provision for Impairment of Assets and Store Closings

In the second quarter of fiscal 1997, the Company recorded a pre-tax charge of
$20 million, or ($0.75) per share after tax, related to the shift in strategy
away from the Boston Traders(R) vertically integrated private label concept 
back to name brands.  This plan involves the liquidation of Boston Traders(R) 
brand products and the closure of the Company's New York City product 
development office.  Concurrent with this shift in strategy, the Company 
plans to close 17 Designs stores and 16 Boston Traders(R) Outlet stores.  The
Company anticipates that its future private label requirements may be 
satisfied by open market purchases of selected items that will include the 
Boston Traders(R) label. 

This pre-tax charge includes cash costs of approximately $6.1 million related 
to lease terminations, cancellation of private label fabric commitments for 
the remainder of fiscal 1997, severance associated with the closing of the New 
York office, and other costs related to the strategy shift.  The remainder of 
the $20 million charge consists of non-cash costs of approximately 
$13.9 million which include approximately $12.4 million of markdowns at cost 
related to the liquidation of existing and then on order Boston Traders(R)
brand product through the end of fiscal 1997.  The non-cash costs also 
include asset impairment charges associated with the planned store closings.  
Merchandise markdowns and costs associated with the cancellation of fabric
commitments, which total approximately $14 million, are accounted for in cost 
of goods sold for the nine and twelve months ended November 1, 1997.  The 
remaining amounts related to lease termination costs, asset impairment 
charges, severance benefits, and other costs, which total approximately 
$6 million, are accounted for in the provision for impairment of assets and 
store closings for the nine and twelve months ended November 1, 1997.  At 
November 1, 1997, $5.0 million is accrued in the reserve for store closings and 
a $5.4 million markdown reserve is included in inventory.

The estimated earnings and cash flow benefits expected, barring unforeseen
circumstances, to be derived from these actions for fiscal 1998 are 
$6.8 million and $7.7 million, and for fiscal 1999 are $10.6 million and 
$8.7 million, respectively.  These estimates include anticipated federal 
income tax refunds related to net operating losses carried back to prior 
years' taxable income, offset by cash outflows for lease termination costs, 
severance benefits and other costs.  Future cash flows are based upon 
management's estimate of the period of time between store closings and the 
final termination of the lease obligations.  Barring unforeseen 
circumstances, the Company anticipates closing all 33 stores by or near 
the end of fiscal 1997. 

7.   Amendment to the Shareholders Rights Plan

On October 6, 1997, the Board of Directors approved an amendment to the
Company's Shareholder Rights Agreement dated May 1, 1995, pursuant to which 
the definition of an "Acquiring Person" was amended.  The definition of 
Acquiring Person now allows a person who is and continues to be permitted to
file Schedule 13G, in lieu of Schedule 13D, pursuant to the Securities 
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the rules and regulations promulgated 
thereunder, to be beneficial owner of less than 20% of the shares of the 
Company's Common Stock then outstanding without becoming an 
"Acquiring Person."

8.   Recently Issued Accounting Standards

The Financial Accounting Standards Board issued Statement of Financial 
Accounting Standard No. 128 "Earnings per Share" ("SFAS 128"), which modifies
the way in which earnings per share ("EPS") is calculated and disclosed.  
Upon adoption of SFAS 128 for the fiscal period ending January 31, 1998, the
Company will disclose basic and diluted EPS and will restate all prior EPS
data presented.  Basic EPS excludes dilution and is computed by dividing the
income available to common shareholders by the weighted-average number of
common shares outstanding for the period.  Diluted EPS, similar to fully 
diluted EPS, reflects the potential dilution that could occur if securities
or other contracts to issue common stock were exercised or converted into
common stock or resulted in the issuance of common stock that then shared in
the earnings of the entity.  Management believes the adoption of SFAS 128
will not have a material impact on previously reported earnings per share.

The Financial Accounting Standards Board recently issued Statement of 
Financial Accounting Standard No. 130, "Reporting Comprehensive Income"
("SFAS 130").  SFAS 130 requires that changes in comprehensive income be
shown on a separate financial statement that is displayed with the same 
prominence as other financial statements.  SFAS 130 becomes effective for
fiscal years beginning after December 15, 1997.  The Company will adopt this
Standard beginning in the first quarter of the fiscal year ending
January 30, 1999.

In June 1997, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued Statement of 
Financial Accouting Standard No. 131, "Disclosure about Segments of an
Enterprise and Related Information" ("SFAS 131").  SFAS 131 specifies new 
guidelines for determining a company's operating segments and related
requirements for disclosure.  SFAS 131 becomes effective for fiscal years 
beginning after December 15, 1997.  The Company will adopt this Standard for
the fiscal year ending January 30, 1999. 

Part I. Item 2.     Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
                    Condition and Results of Operations


Sales for the third quarter of fiscal 1997 were $77.5 million as compared to
sales of $84.9 million in the third quarter of fiscal 1996.  Sales for the 
nine month year to date and rolling twelve month periods decreased 6 percent 
and 7 percent, respectively, compared to the same periods in the prior year.
Comparable store sales decreased 11 percent for the third quarter of fiscal 
1997 and 8 percent for the nine month year to date period as compared to the 
same periods in fiscal 1996.  Comparable stores are retail locations open at 
least 13 months.  Of the 155 stores that the Company operated as of 
November 1, 1997, 146 were comparable stores.  The decreases in sales during 
these periods are primarily due to continued sales decreases in Levi's(R) 
brand men's jeans and tops, partially offset by increased sales of women's 
Levi's(R) brand jeans and men's and women's Dockers(R) brand apparel.

Gross margin rate (including the costs of occupancy) for the third quarter of
fiscal 1997 equaled 24.3 percent of sales as compared with 32.5 percent of 
sales for the third quarter in the prior year.  The decrease was primarily 
due to a decrease in merchandise margin resulting from promotional markdowns 
associated with Levi's(R) brand products, a decrease in initial margins on 
certain outlet store merchandise, inventory shrinkage and an increase in 
occupancy costs as a percentage of sales due to the effect of the lower 
sales base as compared to the prior year.  For the nine month and rolling 
twelve month periods ended November 1, 1997, gross margin rate was 
15.2 percent and 18.9 percent of sales, respectively, as compared to 
30.5 percent and 29.5 percent of sales, respectively, for the same periods 
ended November 2, 1996.  The decreases for the nine and rolling twelve month 
periods are primarily attributable to merchandise markdowns of $12.4 million 
and fabric commitment charges of $1.6 million taken in the second quarter of 
fiscal 1997 related to Boston Traders(R) brand products as well as increased
promotional markdowns on Levi's(R) brand products and unfavorable shrink 
results recorded during the nine month period ended November 1, 1997.

Selling, general and administrative expenses for the third quarter equaled 
$16.5 million or 21.3 percent of sales, compared with $17.0 million, or 
20.0 percent of sales in the third quarter in the prior year.  Store payroll,
the largest component of selling, general and administrative expenses, equaled 
9.9 percent of sales for the three months ended November 1, 1997, compared 
with 9.0 percent of sales for the same period last year.  This increase is 
primarily a result of sales decreases in the third quarter.  The increase in 
store payroll was partially offset by decreases in other operating expenses as
the Company continued to focus on managing and controlling costs.  Selling, 
general and administrative expenses for the nine month and rolling twelve 
month periods ended November 1, 1997 equaled 25.1 percent and 23.6 percent of
sales, respectively, as compared to 23.8 percent and 23.0 percent of sales 
in the comparable periods in the prior year.  These increases, as a 
percentage of sales, are primarily attributable to sales decreases.

In the second quarter of fiscal 1997, the Company recorded a pre-tax charge of
$20 million, or ($0.75) per share after tax, related to the shift in strategy
away from the Boston Traders(R) vertically integrated private label concept 
back to name brands.  This plan involves the liquidation of Boston Traders(R) 
brand products and the closure of the Company's New York City product 
development office.  Concurrent with this shift in strategy, the Company plans 
to close 17 Designs stores and 16 Boston Traders(R) Outlet stores.  The 
Company anticipates that its future private label requirements will be 
satisfied by open market purchases of selected items that may include the 
Boston Traders(R) label.  This pre-tax charge include cash costs of 
approximately $6.1 million related to lease terminations, cancellation of 
private label fabric commitments for the remainder of fiscal 1997, severance
associated with the closing of the New York office, and other costs related 
to the strategy shift.  The remainder of the $20 million charge consisted of 
non-cash costs of approximately $13.9 million which include approximately 
$12.4 million of markdowns at cost related to the liquidation of then 
existing and on order Boston Traders(R) product through the end of fiscal
1997.  The non-cash costs also include asset impairment charges associated 
with the planned store closings.  Merchandise markdowns and costs associated 
with the cancellation of fabric commitments, which total approximately 
$14 million, are accounted for in cost of goods sold for the nine months and 
twelve months ended November 1, 1997.  The remaining amounts related to 
lease termination costs, asset impairment charges, severance benefits, and 
other costs, which total approximately $6 million, are accounted for in the 
provision for impairment of assets and store closings for the nine and twelve 
months ended November 1, 1997.  At November 1, 1997, $5.0 million is accrued 
in the reserve for store closings and a $5.4 million markdown reserve is 
included in inventory.

Depreciation and amortization expense of $2.8 million for the third quarter of
fiscal 1997 increased by 3.5 percent compared with depreciation and 
amortization expense of $2.7 million for the same period in fiscal 1996.  
This increase is primarily due to capital expenditures for new store openings
and remodeled stores.  For the nine month and rolling twelve month periods, 
depreciation and amortization expense increased by 7.8 percent and 
6.8 percent, respectively, primarily due to Boston Trading Co.(R) store 
openings, remodeled stores and one Levi's(R) Outlet store opened under the 
joint venture.

Interest expense was $258,000 and $46,000 in the third quarter of fiscal 1997
and fiscal 1996, respectively.  For the nine month and rolling 12 month 
periods, interest expense was $664,000 and $727,000 as compared to $134,000
and $176,000 in prior comparable periods, respectively.  This increase is 
primarily attributable to borrowings under the Company's revolving credit 
facility during fiscal 1997.  The Company anticipates that interest expense 
will continue to exceed the expense recorded in similar periods in fiscal 1996 
as a result of borrowings under the Company's credit facility.  The Company 
had no borrowings under this facility in the prior year. 

Interest income for the third quarter of fiscal 1997 was $26,000 compared to
$325,000 in fiscal year 1996.  For the nine month and rolling 12 month periods
interest income was $94,000 and $355,000 as compared to $905,000 and $1.4
million for comparable periods in the prior year.  The decrease in interest
income is attributable to a lower average investment balance compared to the
same periods in the prior year.

Net loss for the third quarter of fiscal year 1997 equaled ($567,000) or 
($0.04) per share, as compared with net income of $4.7 million, or $0.30 per 
share in the third quarter of fiscal 1996.  Net loss for the nine month 
periods ended November 1, 1997 and November 2, 1996 equaled ($20.3) million or 
($1.30) per share as compared to net income of $4.1 million or $0.26 per 
share, respectively.  Net loss, on a rolling 12 month basis ending 
November 1, 1997, was ($18.1) million or ($1.16) per share, as compared with 
income of $6.0 million, or $0.38 per share for the comparable period in the 
prior year.  The results for the nine and twelve months ended 
November 1, 1997 include the recognition of a pre-tax charge of $20 million, 
or ($0.75) per share, related to the Company's shift in strategy away from 
the Boston Traders(R) vertically integrated private label concept back to name 
brands as mentioned above.

During the quarter, the Company began to test a selection of new name brands 
in a small group of its Designs stores.  This test is part of the Company's
strategic shift, announced in June 1997, back to name brands and away from its
former private label product development strategy.  New brands featured 
include Polo Jeans(R), Tommy Jeans(R) (by Tommy Hilfiger), Lucky Brand(R), 
Boss(R) by I.G. Design, Tag Rag(R), BuffaloJeans(R), EnyceTM, Dollhouse(R), 
Fubu(R), Mossimo(R), Phat Farm(R), Interstate Jeans(R), S SilverTM Jeans and 
other brands with a similar point of view.  As of mid-November, the Company's 
six Boston Trading Co.(R) stores also carry a majority of the same brands.  
As part of this test, the product selection and quantities of Levi's(R) brand 
product in these stores have been significantly narrowed and reduced from 
prior levels.  The Company intends to continue to test these name brands 
through the Holiday season and into fiscal year 1998.


The Company's business is seasonal, reflecting increased consumer buying in 
the "Fall" and "Holiday" seasons.  Historically, the second half of each 
fiscal year provides a greater portion of the Company's annual sales and 
operating income.


The Company's primary cash needs are for operating expenses, including cash
outlays associated with inventory purchases and capital expenditures for new 
and remodeled stores.  The Company expects that cash flow from operations, 
short-term borrowings and trade credit will enable it to finance its current 
working capital, remodeling and expansion requirements during the remainder 
of the fiscal year.


To date, the Company has financed its working capital requirements and 
expansion program with cash flow from operations, borrowings and proceeds 
from Common Stock offerings.  Cash used in operations for the first nine 
months of fiscal 1997 was $7.9 million compared to cash provided by operations 
of $11.8 million for the same period in the prior year.  Cash used in 
operations in the nine months ended November 1, 1997 is primarily 
attributable to net losses, the liquidation of the Boston Traders(R) brand, 
and the timing of other working capital accounts.

The Company's cash and investment position at November 1, 1997 was 
approximately $2.4 million, compared to approximately $19.9 million at the 
end of the third quarter of fiscal 1996.  During the first quarter of fiscal 
1997, the Company sold its remaining short-term investments of $5.9 million. 
As a result of the sale, the Company realized a loss of $102,300.  At the 
end of the third quarter of fiscal 1997 the Company had net borrowings 
outstanding of approximately $9.0 million under its revolving credit 
facility, described below, compared to no borrowings under this facility at 
the end of the third quarter of fiscal 1996.  The Company anticipates 
that borrowing levels at the end of fiscal 1997 will be above borrowing levels 
at November 1, 1997.

The Company's working capital at November 1, 1997 was approximately $52.3
million, compared to $64.5 million at November 2, 1996.  This decrease in
working capital was primarily attributable to negative cash flow from
operations, partially offset by the tax benefit recognized as a result of net
operating losses.  Inventory, net of reserves, at November 1, 1997 was $82.8
million compared to $70.8 million at November 2, 1996.  This $12.0 million
increase is primarily due to the early receipt of goods purchased for the
Holiday 1997 selling season and the third quarter sales results.  This
increase was partially offset by the liquidation of Boston Traders(R) brand
products beginning in the second quarter of fiscal 1997.  At the end of the
third quarter of fiscal 1997 approximately $4.0 million (net of a markdown
reserve), or 5 percent, of the total inventory consisted of Boston Traders(R)
brand product.  Merchandise purchases for the balance of the fiscal year are 
planned at lower levels than last year.  At November 1, 1997, the Company had
$813,000 of outstanding fabric commitments associated with the Boston 
Traders(R) brand product for which the Company previously recorded adequate 

The estimated earnings and cash flow benefits expected, barring unforeseen
circumstances, to be derived from the $20 million charge taken for markdowns 
and store closings, described previously, for fiscal 1998 are $6.8 million and 
$7.7 million, and for fiscal 1999 are $10.6 million and $8.7 million, 
respectively.  These estimates include anticipated federal income tax refunds 
related to net operating losses carried back to prior years' taxable income, 
offset by cash outflows for lease termination costs, severance benefits and 
other costs.  Future cash flows are based upon management's estimate of the 
period of time between store closings and the final termination of the lease 
obligations.  To date, arrangements have been made for the closing of 23 of 
these stores by the end of fiscal 1997.  Barring unforeseen circumstances, 
the Company anticipates closing all 33 stores by or near the end of 
fiscal 1997.

The Company's trade payables to Levi Strauss & Co., its principal vendor,
generally are due 30 days after the date of invoice.  At November 1, 1997,
approximately $6 million of the accounts payable balance was past due (by five
days on average) to Levi Strauss & Co.  The Company continues to evaluate and,
within the discretion of management, act upon opportunities to purchase 
substantial quantities of Levi's(R) and Dockers(R) brand products for the 
Levi's(R) Outlet stores, subject to the availability  of funds with which to 
do so.  The Boston Traders(R) brand product required the Company to source 
its own product predominantly from various offshore vendors. Payment to 
these vendors were through the use of letters of credit.  Given the Company's
shift in strategy away from its own product development, the Company 
anticipates that the use of letters of credit as a payment method will be 
minimal and expects that it will purchase branded merchandise under customary 
industry credit terms.

On December 10, 1997, subsequent to the end of the third quarter, the Company
entered into a Credit Agreement (the "Credit Agreement") with BankBoston,N.A.
The credit facility established by the Credit Agreement, which terminates on
June 30, 1999, consists of a revolving line of credit permitting the Company 
to borrow up to $25 million.  Under the facility, the Company may cause 
BankBoston to issue documentary and standby letters of credit up to 
$2 million.  Availability of the unused revolving line of credit is subject to 
borrowing base requirements and compliance with certain  earnings, net worth 
and inventory turnover covenants and a cash flow ratio covenant which is 
effective for the fourth quarter of fiscal 1998.  The Company's borrowings 
under the credit facility are secured by a security interest in all of the 
Company's Levi Strauss & Co. brand inventory, accounts receivable and certain
intangible assets of the Company, excluding the assets of the joint venture 
and the Company's Boston Traders(R) trademark and related trademarks.
The security interest may be released when the Company achieves certain 
minimum cash flow ratio requirements.  At the option of the Company, 
borrowings under this facility bear interest at BankBoston, N.A.'s prime rate 
or LIBOR-based fixed rates (depending upon the Company's quarterly ratio of 
cash flow to fixed charges).  Under the Credit Agreement, the Company has 
agreed not to pay cash dividends on its Common Stock if such payment would 
cause the Company to be in default of certain financial ratios.  To date, 
the Company has not paid any cash dividends.

At November 1, 1997, the Company was not in compliance with the cash flow 
ratio covenant included in its previous Amended and Restated Credit Agreement
dated as of July 24, 1996 with BankBoston, N.A. and State Street Bank and 
Trust Company (the "1996 Credit Agreement").  Upon entering into the new 
Credit Agreement, BankBoston, N.A. and State Street Bank and Trust Company 
waived compliance with this covenant under the 1996 Credit Agreement for the 
quarter ended November 1, 1997.  At November 1, 1997, the Company had no
outstanding commercial and trade letters of credit and two outstanding standby 
letters of credit totaling approximately $212,000.

On January 28, 1995, Designs JV Corp., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the
Company, and a subsidiary of Levi's Only  Stores, Inc., a wholly-owned 
subsidiary of Levi Strauss & Co., entered into a partnership agreement 
(the "Partnership Agreement") to sell Levi's(R) brand jeans and jeans-related 
products.  The joint venture that was established by the Partnership 
Agreement is known as The Designs/OLS Partnership (the "OLS Partnership"). 
The term of the joint venture is ten years; however, the Partnership 
Agreement contains certain exit rights that enable either partner to buy or 
sell its interest in the joint venture after five years.  The Company 
previously announced that the OLS Partnership may open up to thirty-five to 
fifty Original Levi's StoresTM and Levi's(R) Outlet stores throughout 
eleven Northeast states and the District of Columbia throughout the end of 
fiscal 1999.  At the end of the third quarter of fiscal 1997 the OLS 
Partnership owned and operated eleven Original Levi's StoresTM and eleven 
Levi's(R) Outlet stores.  The OLS Partnership does not anticipate opening 
any additional stores for the remainder of fiscal 1997.

During the first nine months of fiscal 1997, the OLS Partnership distributed
$3.7 million in "Excess Cash" to its partners in accordance with the terms of
the Partnership Agreement.  It is the intention of the partners in the joint
venture that working capital for the joint venture will come from its
operations, capital contributions, loans from the partners and borrowings from
third parties.

During the third quarter of fiscal 1996, the Company entered into a Credit
Agreement (the "OLS Credit Agreement") with the OLS Partnership and Levi's
Only Stores, Inc. under which the Company and Levi's Only Stores, Inc. are
committed to make advances to the OLS Partnership in amounts up to 
$3.5 million and $1.5 million, respectively.  This credit facility bears 
interest at BankBoston, N.A.'s prime rate.  During the third quarter of 
fiscal year 1997, the term of the OLS Credit Agreement was extended through 
September 30, 1998, unless earlier terminated pursuant to other provisions 
of the OLS Credit Agreement.  The OLS Credit Agreement also provides that 
there may not be credit advances outstanding on the last day of the fiscal 
year.  There were no borrowings under this facility through November 1, 1997.


During the first nine months of fiscal 1997, the Company opened six new 
Boston Trading Co.(R) stores, remodeled one Levi's(R) Outlet by Designs store 
and five Boston Traders(R) Outlet stores.  The OLS Partnership opened one 
new Levi's(R) Outlet store.  Total cash outlays of $7.2 million and $11.1 
million during the first nine months of fiscal 1997 and fiscal 1996, 
respectively, represent the costs of new and remodeled stores as well as 
corporate office capital spending during the periods.  In addition to the 33 
stores that the Company plans to close before the end of fiscal 1997, the 
Company closed one Designs store for which the lease had expired during the 
nine month period ended November 1, 1997. 

On May 2, 1995, the Company acquired certain assets of Boston Trading 
Ltd., Inc. ("Boston Trading") in accordance with the terms of an Asset 
Purchase Agreement dated April 21, 1995.  The Company paid $5.4 million 
in cash, financed by operations, and delivered a non-negotiable promissory 
note in the principal amount of $1.0 million (the "Purchase Note").  The 
principal amount of the Purchase Note was payable in two equal installments 
through May 1997.  In the first quarter of fiscal 1996, the Company asserted 
certain indemnification rights under the Asset Purchase Agreement.  In 
accordance with the Asset Purchase Agreement, the Company, when exercising 
its indemnification rights, has the right, among other courses of action, to 
offset against the payment of principal and interest due and payable under 
the Purchase Note.  Accordingly, the Company did not make either of the 
$500,000 payments of principal on the Purchase Note that were due on 
May 2, 1996 and May 2, 1997.  The Company has continued to pay interest 
through the maturity date of the Purchase Note and thereafter through 
November 2, 1997 on $500,000 of the principal of the Purchase Note.  The 
portion of the principal amount of the Purchase Note to be paid by the 
Company depends upon whether its claims are satisfied by Boston Trading and
its stockholders.

In November 1996, the Company and Levi Strauss & Co. entered into a trademark
license agreement (the "Outlet License Agreement") which provides the terms 
upon which the Company is permitted to use the Levi Strauss & Co. batwing 
trademark in connection with the operations of the Company's Levi's(R) Outlet 
by Designs stores.  The Outlet License Agreement authorizes the Company, 
subject to certain terms and conditions, to operate the Levi's(R) Outlet by 
Designs stores using the Levi's(R) batwing trademark in 25 states in the 
eastern portion of the United States.  Subject to certain default provisions,
the term of the Outlet License Agreement will expire on July 31, 2001, and 
the license for any store will be for a period co-terminous with the lease 
term for such store (including extension options), unless Levi Strauss & Co. 
otherwise extends the term of the license for that particular store.  
Levi Strauss & Co. has no obligation to extend the license beyond the 
initial term described above.  The leases (including extension options) 
relating to approximately one-half of the Levi's(R) Outlet by Designs 
stores open at November 1, 1997 expire in or prior to fiscal 2009 and all, 
except for four such leases, expire in or prior to fiscal 2011.

On October 6, 1997, the Board of Directors approved an amendment to the
Company's Shareholder Rights Agreement dated May 1, 1995, pursuant to which 
the definition of an "Acquiring Person" was amended.  The definition of 
Acquiring Person now allows a person who is and continues to be permitted to 
file a Schedule 13G, in lieu of Schedule 13D, pursuant to the Securities 
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the rules and regulations promulgated 
thereunder, to be beneficial owner of less than 20% of the shares of the 
Company's Common Stock then outstanding without becoming an 
"Acquiring Person."

The Company continually evaluates discretionary investments in new projects 
that may complement its existing business.  Further, as leases expire, the 
Company continues to evaluate the performance of its existing stores.  As a 
result of this process, certain store locations could be closed or relocated 
within a center in the future. 

                             *    *    *    *    *

The foregoing discussion of the Company's results of operations, liquidity,
capital resources and capital expenditures includes certain forward-looking
information.  Such forward-looking information requires management to make
certain estimates and assumptions regarding the Company's expected strategic
direction and the related effect of such plans on the financial results of the
Company.  Accordingly, actual results and the Company's implementation of its
plans and operations may differ materially from forward-looking statements 
made by the Company.  The Company encourages readers of this information to 
read the Company's Current Report on Form 8-K, previously filed with the 
United States Securities and Exchange Commission on April 22, 1997, which 
identifies certain risks and uncertainties that may have an impact on future 
earnings and the direction of the Company.

Part II.  Other Information

ITEM 1.   Legal Proceedings

     The Company is a party to litigation and claims arising in the normal
course of its business.  Barring unforeseen circumstances, management does not
expect the results of these actions to have a material adverse effect on the
Company's business or financial condition.

ITEM 3.   Default Upon Senior Securities

     As discussed above, the 1996 Credit Agreement required the Company to
maintain certain net worth, inventory turnover and cash flow ratios.  The
Company received a written waiver of its non-compliance at November 1, 1997 
with the cash flow ratio covenant in the 1996 Credit Agreement.

ITEM 4.   Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders


ITEM 6.   Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

A.   Reports on Form 8-K:

     The Company reported under item 5 on Form 8-K, dated October 9, 1997, 
     that on October 6, 1997 the Board of Directors approved an amendment to 
     the Company's Shareholder Rights Agreement dated May 1, 1995, pursuant 
     to which the definition of an "Acquiring Person" was amended.  The 
     definition of Acquiring Person now allows a person who is and continues 
     to be permitted to file Schedule 13G, in lieu of Schedule 13D, pursuant 
     to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the rules and 
     regulations promulgated thereunder, to be beneficial owner of less than 
     20% of the shares of the Company's Common Stock then outstanding without
     becoming an "Acquiring Person."

B.   Exhibits:

3.1   Restated Certificate of Incorporation of the Company, as amended
      (included as Exhibit 3.1 to Amendment No. 3 of the Company's
      Registration Statement on Form S-1 (No. 33-13402), and incorporated
      herein by reference).                                                 *

3.2   Certificate of Amendment to Restated Certificate of Incorporation,
      as amended, dated June 22, 1993 (included as Exhibit 3.2 to the
      Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q dated June 17, 1996, and
      incorporated herein by reference).                                    *

3.3   Certificate of Designations, Preferences and Rights of a Series of
      Preferred Stock of the Company establishing Series A Junior
      Participating Cumulative Preferred Stock dated May 1, 1995 (included
      as Exhibit 3.2 to the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K dated May
      1, 1996, and incorporated herein by reference).                       *

3.4   By-Laws of the Company, as amended (included as Exhibit 3.1 to the
      Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q dated December 12, 1995, and
      incorporated herein by reference).                                    *

4.1   Shareholder Rights Agreement dated as of May 1, 1995 between the
      Company and its transfer agent (included as Exhibit 4.1 to the
      Company's Current Report on Form 8-K dated May 1, 1995, and
      incorporated herein by reference).                                    *

4.2   First Amendment dated as of October 6, 1997 to the Shareholder Rights
      Agreement dated as of May 1, 1995 between the Company and its
      transfer agent (included as Exhibit 4.1 to the Company's Current
      Report on Form 8-K dated October 9, 1997, and incorporated herein by
      reference).                                                           *

10.1  1987 Incentive Stock Option Plan, as amended (included as Exhibit
      10.1 to the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K dated April 29,
      1993, and incorporated herein by reference).                          *

10.2  1987 Non-Qualified Stock Option Plan, as amended (included as Exhibit
      10.2 to the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K dated April 29,
      1993, and incorporated by herein by reference).                       *

10.3  1992 Stock Incentive Plan, as amended (included as Exhibit A to the
      Company's definitive proxy statement dated May 9, 1997, and
      incorporated herein by reference).                                    *

10.4  Senior Executive Incentive Plan effective beginning with the fiscal
      year ended February 1, 1997 (included as Exhibit 10.4 to the
      Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q dated September 17, 1996, and
      incorporated herein by reference).                                    *

10.5  Trademark License Agreement between the Company and Levi Strauss &
      Co. dated as of November 15, 1996 (included as Exhibit 10.5 to the
      Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K dated May 1, 1997, and
      incorporated herein by reference).                                    *

10.6  Amended and Restated Credit Agreement among the Company, BankBoston
      N.A., formerly BayBank, N.A., and State Street Bank and Trust Company
      dated as of July 24, 1996 (included as Exhibit 10.1 to the Company's
      Current Report on Form 8-K dated August 7, 1996, and incorporated
      herein by reference).                                                 *

10.7  Consulting Agreement between the Company and Stanley I. Berger dated
      December 21, 1994 (included as Exhibit 10.7 to the Company's Annual
      Report on Form 10-K dated April 28, 1995, and incorporated herein by
      reference).                                                           *

10.8  Participation Agreement among Designs JV Corp. (the "Designs
      Partner"), the Company, LDJV Inc. (the "LOS Partner"), Levi's Only
      Stores, Inc. ("LOS"), Levi Strauss & Co. ("LS&CO") and Levi
      Strauss Associates Inc. ("LSAI") dated January 28, 1995 (included
      as Exhibit 10.1 to the Company's Current Report on Form 8-K dated
      April 24, 1995, and incorporated herein by reference).                *

10.9  Partnership Agreement of The Designs/OLS Partnership (the "OLS
      Partnership") between the LOS Partner and the Designs Partner dated
      January 28, 1995 (included as Exhibit 10.2 to the Company's Current
      Report on Form 8-K dated April 24, 1995, and incorporated herein by
      reference).                                                           *

10.10 Glossary executed by the Designs Partner, the Company, the LOS
      Partner, LOS, LS&CO, LSAI and the OLS Partnership dated January 28,
      1995 (included as Exhibit 10.3 to the Company's Current Report on
      Form 8-K dated April 24, 1995, and incorporated herein by reference). *

10.11 Sublicense Agreement between LOS and the LOS Partner dated
      January 28, 1995 (included as Exhibit 10.4 to the Company's Current
      Report on Form 8-K dated April 24, 1995, and incorporated herein by
      reference).                                                           *

10.12 Sublicense Agreement between the LOS Partner and the OLS
      Partnership dated January 28, 1995 (included as Exhibit 10.5 to the
      Company's Current Report on Form 8-K dated April 24, 1995, and
      incorporated herein by reference).                                    *

10.13 License Agreement between the Company and the OLS Partnership
      dated January 28, 1995 (included as Exhibit 10.6 to the Company's
      Current Report on Form 8-K dated April 24, 1995, and incorporated
      herein by reference).                                                 *

10.14 Administrative Services Agreement between the Company and the OLS
      Partnership dated January 28, 1995 (included as Exhibit 10.7 to the
      Company's Current Report on Form 8-K dated April 24, 1995, and
      incorporated herein by reference).                                    *  

10.15 Credit Agreement among the Company, LOS and the OLS Partnership
      dated as of October 1, 1996 (included as Exhibit 10.15 to the
      Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q dated December 17, 1996, and
      incorporated herein by reference).                                    *

10.16 First Amendment to Credit Agreement among the Company, LOS and
      the OLS Partnership dated as of October 29, 1997.                    

10.17 Asset Purchase Agreement between LOS and the Company relating to
      the sale of stores located in Minneapolis, Minnesota dated January
      28, 1995 (included as Exhibit 10.9 to the Company's Current Report on
      Form 8-K dated April 24, 1995, and incorporated herein by reference). *

10.18 Asset Purchase Agreement between LOS and the Company relating to
      the sale of a store located in Cambridge, Massachusetts dated January
      28, 1995 (included as Exhibit 10.10 to the Company's Current Report
      on Form 8-K dated April 24, 1995, and incorporated herein by
      reference).                                                           *

10.19 Asset Purchase Agreement among Boston Trading Ltd., Inc., Designs
      Acquisition Corp., the Company and others dated April 21, 1995
      (included as 10.16 to the Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q
      dated September 12, 1995, and incorporated herein by reference).      *

10.20 Non-Negotiable Promissory Note between the Company and Atlantic
      Harbor, Inc., formerly known as Boston Trading Ltd., Inc., dated May
      2, 1995 (included as 10.17 to the Company's Quarterly Report on Form
      10-Q dated September 12, 1995, and incorporated herein by reference). * 

10.21 Employment Agreement dated as of October 16, 1995 between the
      Company and Joel H. Reichman (included as Exhibit 10.1 to the
      Company's Current Report on Form 8-K dated December 6, 1995, and
      incorporated herein by reference).                                    *

10.22 Employment Agreement dated as of October 16, 1995 between the
      Company and Scott N. Semel (included as Exhibit 10.2 to the Company's
      Current Report on Form 8-K dated December 6, 1995, and incorporated
      herein by reference).                                                 *

10.23 Employment Agreement dated as of October 16, 1995 between the
      Company and Mark S. Lisnow (included as Exhibit 10.3 to the Company's
      Current Report on Form 8-K dated December 6, 1995, and incorporated
      herein by reference).                                                 *

10.24 Employment Agreement dated as of May 9, 1997 between the Company
      and Carolyn R. Faulkner (included as Exhibit 10.23 to the Company's
      Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q dated June 17, 1997, and incorporated
      herein by reference).                                                 *

11    Statement re: computation of per share earnings.

27    Financial Data Schedule.

99.1  Report of the Company dated April 22, 1997 concerning certain
      cautionary statements of the Company to be taken into account in
      conjunction with consideration and review of the Company's
      publicly-disseminated documents (including oral statements made by
      others on behalf of the Company) that include forward looking
      information (included as Exhibit 99 to the Company's Annual Report
      on Form 10-K dated May 1, 1997, and incorporated herein by
      reference).                                                           *

*     Previously filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                   DESIGNS, INC.

                                   By: /s/ CAROLYN R.FAULKNER
                                       Carolyn R. Faulkner
                                       Vice President and
                                       Chief Financial Officer

December 16, 1997

Exhibit 11.  Statement Re:  Computation of Per Share Earnings

                     Three Months Ended Nine Months Ended  Twelve Months Ended

                      11/1/97  11/2/96   11/1/97  11/2/96   11/1/97   11/2/96
                       ------   ------   ------    ------   ------    ------

                              (In thousands, except for per share data)

Net (Loss)Income     $  (567)  $4,664   $(20,331)  $4,073   $(18,140)  $6,022

Weighted average 
shares outstanding
during the period     15,641   15,810     15,623   15,814     15,616   15,803

Net (Loss) Income per
common share         $(0.04)    $0.30     $(1.30)   $0.26     $(1.16)   $0.38
                    =======     =====    =======    =====     ======    =====


5 This Schedule contains summary financial information extracted from the Consolidated Balance Sheets of Designs, Inc. as of November 1, 1997, November 2, 1996 and February 1, 1997 and the Consolidated Statements of Income for the three, nine and twelve months ended November 1, 1997 and November 2, 1996 and is qualified in its entirety by reference to such financial statements. 1000 9-MOS JAN-31-1998 FEB-2-1997 NOV-1-1997 2,402 0 358 0 82,849 104,816 71,184 32,979 148,984 52,559 0 0 0 160 90,838 148,984 197,472 197,472 167,771 167,771 63,982 0 664 (34,851) (14,333) (20,331) 0 0 0 (20,331) (1.30) 0

                                FIRST AMENDMENT
                                CREDIT AGREEMENT

     THIS FIRST AMENDMENT TO CREDIT AGREEMENT (this "Amendment"), dated as of
the 29th day of October, 1997, by and among THE DESIGNS/OLS PARTNERSHIP, a
partnership having its principal place of business at 66 B Street, Needham,
Massachusetts 02194 (the "Partnership"), DESIGNS, INC., a Delaware corporation
having its principal place of business at 66 B Street, Needham, Massachusetts
02194 ("Designs"), and LEVI'S ONLY STORES, INC., a Delaware corporation having
its principal place of business at 1159 Dublin Road, Columbus, Ohio 43215
("LOS"; LOS and Designs being hereinafter sometimes referred to collectively
as the "Lenders").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

     WHEREAS, the Partnership and the Lenders entered into a certain Credit
Agreement dated as of October 1, 1996 (the "1996 Credit Agreement") in
connection with the establishment of $5 million revolving credit facility for
the Partnership;

     WHEREAS, the Partnership and the Lenders wish to, among other things,
extend the term of the 1996 Credit Agreement by one additional year;

     WHEREAS, Section 7.1 of the 1996 Credit Agreement provides that no
amendment of the 1996 Credit Agreement shall be effective unless the amendment
is set forth in a writing signed and Lenders and the Partnership; and

     WHEREAS, the Lenders and the Partnership have executed and delivered this

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual promises
hereinafter set forth, the Partnership and the Lenders hereby agree as follows:

     1.   This Amendment shall be deemed to be effective as of September 30,

     2.   The definition of the term "Prime Rate" in Section 1 of the 1996
Credit Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows:

"        "Prime Rate" means the lower of (a) the annual rate of interest
announced by BankBoston, N.A. (or its successors) from time to time at its
principal office as its "prime rate" (which may or may not be the lowest rate
available from BankBoston, N.A. at a given time), and (b) the prime rate or 
base rate on corporate loans at large United States money center commercial 
banks as published in The Wall Street Journal or, if publication of such rate
shall be suspended or terminated, the annual rate of interest, determined daily
and expressed as a percentage, from time to time announced by one of the five
largest banking institutions having their principal office in New York, New 
York and selected by the Agent at the time such publication is suspended or
terminated.  Each change in the Prime Rate shall be effective for the purposes
of this Agreement and the Notes on and as of the date such change becomes
effective.              "

     3.   Section 2.2 of the 1996 Credit Agreement is hereby amended to read as

"        2.2  Termination of Commitments.      The Commitments shall terminate
on September 30, 1998 (the "Termination Date") unless earlier terminated
pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement.      "

                                      - 2 -

     4.   The form of Credit Request attached as Exhibit B to the 1996 Credit
Agreement is hereby deleted in its entirety and is replaced by Exhibit B
attached to this Amendment.

     5.   Section 7.3(a) of the 1996 Credit Agreement is hereby amended to read
as follows:

"        7.3  Notices. (a) All notices, demands and other communications
between any of parties hereunder to the other shall be deemed effective (except
for Credit Requests, which shall be effective when received by the Agent) when
delivered by hand or sent by first class mail or by facsimile transmission, and
addressed to the other party as set forth below:

          If to the Partnership:

                The Designs/OLS Partnership
                c/o Designs, Inc.
                66 B Street
                Needham, Massachusetts 02194
                Attention:  General Manager

or to such other address of which notice is given in the same manner.

                                      - 3 -


     If to the Lenders:

               Designs, Inc.
               66 B Street
               Needham, Massachusetts 02194
               Attention:  President
               Telecopier:  (617) 449-8666

     with a copy to

               Scott N. Semel, Esq.
               Executive Vice President and General Counsel
               Designs, Inc.
               66 B Street
               Needham, Massachusetts 02194
               Telecopier:  (617) 449-8666


               Levi's Only Stores, Inc.
               1159 Dublin Road
               Columbus, Ohio 43215
               Attention:  President
               Telecopier:  (614) 232-5580

     with a copy to

               Levi Strauss & Co.
               Levi's Plaza
               1155 Battery Street
               San Francisco, California 94111
               Attention:  General Counsel/LOS
               Telecopier:  (415) 501-7650

or to such other address as either Lender may designate by notice in writing to
the Partnership with a copy of such notice to the other Lender and the Agent;
provided, however, that the failure of the Partnership to deliver a copy of any
notice to Mr. Semel or Levi Strauss & Co. shall not constitute a failure to 
send notice to the Lenders.                                 "

                                      - 4 -

     6.   Section 7.3(c) of the 1996 Credit Agreement is hereby amended to read
as follows:

"        (c)  The proceeds of all Credit Advances made hereunder shall be
delivered to the following account of the Partnership with BankBoston, N.A.
(unless otherwise agreed in writing by the parties hereto):

               BankBoston, N.A.
               100 Federal Street
               Boston, Massachusetts 02110
               ABA #011 001742
               For credit to Account No. 0038652079
               Attention: Gisela A. LoPiano, Director
               Telephone:  (617) 434-5801
               Telecopier: (617) 434-5825                   "

     7.   As amended hereby, the 1996 Credit Agreement shall continue in full
force and effect in accordance with its terms.

     8.   This Amendment shall be governed by, and construed and enforced in
accordance with, the substantive laws of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts,
without regard to its principles of conflicts of laws.  This Amendment may be
executed in one or more counterparts, all of which shall be considered one and
the same Amendment and each of which shall be deemed to be an original.

                                      - 5 -

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Partnership and the Lenders have caused this First
Amendment to Credit Agreement to be executed and delivered as a sealed
instrument by their duly authorized representatives, all as of the date first
written above.

                         THE DESIGNS/OLS PARTNERSHIP
                         By:  Designs JV Corp.,
                              a General Partner

                         By:/s/ JOEL H. REICHMAN
                            Its President

                         By:  LDJV Inc., a General Partner

                         By:/s/ EDWARD T. MURPHY
                            Its President

                         LEVI'S ONLY STORES, INC.

                         By:/s/ EDWARD T. MURPHY
                            Its President 

                         DESIGNS, INC.

                         By:/s/ JOEL H. REICHMAN
                            Its President

                                       - 6 -

                                                                Exhibit B

                            [Form of Credit Request]


Designs, Inc., as Agent
66 B Street
Needham, Massachusetts 02194

     We hereby request that the Lenders make pro-rata Credit Advances to us on
or before [              , 19  ] (the "Credit Advance Date") in the aggregate
amount of  $ _______________.  Please  advise ________________ of our request.
The proceeds of such loan shall be sent by wire transfer to our account
#0038652079 at BankBoston, N.A.

     This request is submitted under and pursuant to, and the loan is a loan
referred to in, the Credit Agreement, dated as of September   , 1996, among
Designs, Inc., Levi's Only Stores, Inc. and The Designs/OLS Partnership, as
amended (the "Agreement"), and we hereby confirm that the representations and
warranties contained in Article 4 of the Agreement are true and correct on and
as of the date hereof and that no Default (as defined in the Agreement) has
occurred and is continuing on the date hereof, in each case giving effect to
such Credit Advance.

                              Very truly yours,

                              THE DESIGNS/OLS PARTNERSHIP

                                 Its General Manager

                                   A Management Committee

                                      - 7 -