THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

Filed by the Registrant {   }

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant {x}

Check the appropriate box:

{   }   Preliminary Consent Statement

{   }   Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as Permitted by  Rule 14a-

{ x }   Definitive Consent Statement

{   }   Definitive Additional Materials

{   }   Soliciting Material Pursuant to  Section  240.14a-11(c) or Section  240.

                                  DESIGNS, INC.

                            JEWELCOR MANAGEMENT, INC.

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

{ x } No Fee required.

{   } Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11:

   1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


   2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


   3) Per unit  price or  other  underlying  transaction  computed  pursuant  to
Exchange  Act Rule 0- 11 (set  forth  the  amount  on which  the  filing  fee is
calculated and state how it was determined):


   4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


   5) Total fee paid:


{   } Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

{   } Check box if any part of the fee is offset as  provided  by  Exchange  Act
Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting fee was paid
previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration  statement  number, or
the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

   1) Amount Previously Paid:


   2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.


   3) Filing Party:


   4) Date Filed:


                                CONSENT STATEMENT
                            JEWELCOR MANAGEMENT, INC.
                                  DESIGNS, INC.

                  This Consent Solicitation  Statement (the "Consent Statement")
and  the  accompanying  form  of  written  consent  are  furnished  by  Jewelcor
Management, Inc. ("JMI") in connection with its solicitation of written consents
from the  holders  of common  stock,  $0.01 par  value  per share  (the  "Common
Stock"), of Designs,  Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Company"),  to take the
following actions without a meeting of the Company's stockholders,  as permitted
by Delaware law:

           1.      Remove  (i) all  current  members of the  Company's  Board of
                   Directors  (the "Board of  Directors")  other than Stanley I.
                   Berger and (ii) any other  person or persons  (other than the
                   persons  elected   pursuant  to  this  consent)   elected  or
                   appointed  to the Board of Directors  prior to the  effective
                   time of this stockholder  action in addition to or in lieu of
                   any of such current members (including any persons elected or
                   appointed  in lieu of  Stanley  I.  Berger) to fill any newly
                   created  directorship or vacancy on the Board of Directors or
                   otherwise (the "Director Removal Proposal");

           2.      Elect Jesse H. Choper,  Seymour Holtzman,  Peter R. McMullin,
                   Deborah M.  Rhem-Jackson  and Steve R. Tomasi  (collectively,
                   the "JMI  Nominees"  or the  "Nominees")  as directors of the
                   Company to serve until their  respective  successors are duly
                   elected and qualified (the "Director Election Proposal");

           3.      Amend  Section  4.1  of  the  By-Laws  of  the  Company  (the
                   "By-Laws")  to set the  number of  directors  on the Board of
                   Directors at six (the "Board Size Proposal");

           4.      Amend   Section  4.16  of  the  By-Laws  to  clarify  that  a
                   stockholder  seeking to nominate  candidates  for election to
                   the Board of Directors  pursuant to a  stockholder  action by
                   written consent need not comply with the advance notification
                   provisions   of  the  By-Laws  (the   "Advance   Notification
                   Provisions")  applicable  to the  nomination of candidates in
                   connection  with meetings of the  stockholders  (the "Advance
                   Notification Clarification Proposal");

           5.      Repeal  any  By-Laws   adopted  by  the  Board  of  Directors
                   subsequent  to December 11, 1995 (the  effective  date of the
                   By-Laws  most   recently   filed  by  the  Company  with  the
                   Securities  Exchange  Commission (the "Commission")  prior to
                   the filing by JMI of the  Preliminary  Consent  Statement (as
                   defined  herein)  on  December  7,  1998),  and  prior to the
                   effectiveness  of the Proposals (as defined below) other than
                   the By-Laws adopted as contemplated by this Consent Statement
                   (the "ByLaw  Proposal"  and,  collectively  with the Director
                   Removal Proposal,  the Director Election Proposal,  the Board
                   Size  Proposal  and the  Advance  Notification  Clarification
                   Proposal, the "Proposals").


                  Stockholders  of the Company are being asked to express  their
consent to the  Proposals  by  MARKING,  SIGNING and DATING the  enclosed  WHITE
consent card and returning it to D.F.  King & Co.,  Inc. in accordance  with the
instructions set forth below.


                  This Consent Statement and the enclosed WHITE consent card are
first being  furnished to the Company's  stockholders  on or about  December 21,

                          SUMMARY OF CONSENT PROCEDURE

                  The  Proposals  will  become  effective  on the date  when the
written  consents  of holders of a  majority  of the shares of the Common  Stock
outstanding  on the record date as determined  in  accordance  with Delaware law
(the  "Record  Date")  are  delivered  to the  Company,  so long as each of such
consents  is  delivered  to the  Company  within 60 days of the  earliest  dated
consent  delivered to the Company.  If the Designs By-Law  Amendment (as defined
below) is given effect,  it may result in the delay of the  effectiveness of the
Proposals  until  the  delivery  of  the   contemplated   certification  by  the
independent   inspector  to  the  Company.   See   "Background  to  the  Consent
Solicitation."  As  applicable  here,  Section  213(b) of the  Delaware  General
Corporation  Law (the  "DGCL")  provides  that  the  record  date for a  consent
solicitation  shall  be  as  established  by  the  board  of  directors  of  the
corporation  (i.e.,  the  Company),  which  date shall not be more than ten days
after the date upon which the  resolution  fixing the record  date is adopted by
the  board,  or, if no record  date is  established,  shall be the first date on
which a signed written consent is delivered to the corporation.  JMI delivered a
signed  written  consent to the Company on December  7, 1998.  Accordingly,  JMI
believes that the Record Date is December 7, 1998.

                  The  Company  reported  that there were  15,878,233  shares of
Common  Stock  outstanding  on  December  7, 1998.  Each  share of Common  Stock
outstanding  on the Record Date is entitled to one vote on each of the Proposals
and are not entitled to cumulative voting.  Accordingly,  based on the number of
shares  reported by the  Company as  outstanding  on  December 7, 1998,  written
consents  by  holders  representing  7,939,117  shares of Common  Stock  will be
required to adopt and  approve  each of the  Proposals.  JMI intends to vote the
1,570,200 shares of Common Stock (representing  approximately 9.9% of the shares
of Common Stock  reported by the Company as  outstanding on December 7, 1998) it
owns in favor of the  Proposals.  Accordingly,  based on the  number  of  shares
reported by the Company as outstanding on December 7, 1998,  written consents by
holders  representing  an  additional  6,368,917  shares  of  Common  Stock,  or
approximately  44.5% of the shares not owned by JMI,  will be  required to adopt
and approve each of the  Proposals.  Each  abstention  and broker  non-vote with
respect to any of the Proposals  will have the same effect as voting against the
adoption of such Proposal.


                  JMI has retained  D.F.  King & Co., Inc. ("DF King") to assist
in the  solicitation of consents.  If your shares are held in your name,  please
mark,  sign,  date and mail the  enclosed  WHITE  consent card to DF King in the
postage-paid  envelope  provided.  If your  shares  are  held  in the  name of a
brokerage firm, bank nominee or other institution, you should contact the person
responsible  for your account and give  instructions  for the WHITE consent card
representing  your  shares to be marked,  dated,  signed and  mailed.  Only that
institution can execute a WHITE consent card with respect to your shares held in
the name of such institution and only upon receipt of specific instructions from
you.  JMI urges you to  confirm  in  writing  your  instructions  to the  person
responsible for your account and to provide a copy of those  instructions to JMI
in care of DF King at the  address  set forth below so that JMI will be aware of
all  instructions  given and can  attempt to ensure that such  instructions  are

                  If you have any  questions  about  executing  your  consent or
require assistance, please contact:

                              D.F. King & Co., Inc.
                           77 Water Street, 20th Floor
                               New York, NY 10005
                            Toll Free: (800) 431-9643
                 Banks and Brokers call collect: (212) 269-5550

                              INFORMATION ABOUT JMI

                  JMI is a Nevada  corporation and a wholly-owned  subsidiary of
Jewelcor,   Inc.,  a  Pennsylvania  corporation  ("JI"),  which  in  turn  is  a
wholly-owned  subsidiary of S.H.  Holdings,  Inc.  ("SH").  Seymour Holtzman and
Evelyn  Holtzman,  husband  and  wife,  own,  as  tenants  by  the  entirety,  a
controlling  interest of SH. The  principal  business of JMI is  investment  and
management  services.  The principal  business of JI is the rental of commercial
real estate.  SH is a holding  company.  Mr.  Holtzman is the  President,  Chief
Executive  Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors of each of JMI, JI and
SH. As of the date of this Consent Statement, JMI owns an aggregate of 1,570,200
shares of Common  Stock  representing  approximately  9.9% of the  shares of the
Common Stock  outstanding on December 7, 1998, as reported by the Company in the
Preliminary  Consent  Revocation  Statement  (as defined  herein) filed with the
Securities and Exchange  Commission (the "Commission") on December 11, 1998. The
business  address and the address of the principal  executive  offices of JMI is
100 North Wilkes-Barre Blvd., Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania 18702.

                  Additional information about JMI and its Nominees is set forth
under the heading "Certain Other Information Regarding JMI and the JMI Nominees"
and in Annex A attached to this Consent Statement.


                  Beginning in October 1998,  JMI began to acquire shares of the
Company's Common Stock because JMI believed that the then current trading prices
of the  Common  Stock did not  adequately  reflect  the value of the  underlying
business and assets of the Company.

                  On  November  27,  1998 JMI,  JI, SH and  Seymour  and  Evelyn
Holtzman  (the  "Reporting  Persons")  filed with the  Commission a Statement on
Schedule 13D (the "Schedule 13D")  disclosing that JMI had acquired in excess of
5% of the outstanding shares of the Company's Common Stock.

                  On December 1, 1998 the  Reporting  Persons filed an amendment
to the  Schedule 13D  disclosing  that JMI had  acquired an  additional  528,500
shares of the Company's Common Stock,  bringing JMI's ownership to approximately
9.9% of the Common Stock last reported by the Company as outstanding.

                  The total  amount of funds  required to purchase the shares of
Common  Stock  acquired by JMI since  October 26, 1998 was  $976,978.50,  all of
which was obtained  through credit made  available to JMI under standard  margin
agreements  with a registered  broker dealer entered into in the ordinary course
of business.

                  On December 7, 1998, JMI delivered a preliminary  copy of this
Consent  Statement (the  "Preliminary  Consent  Statement")  and the JMI written
consent in favor of the  Proposals to the Company.  JMI also  delivered a demand
for the Company to provide,  among other things,  a list of  stockholders of the
Company to assist JMI in  delivering  this Consent  Statement  to the  Company's
stockholders and in communicating with such stockholders.

                  On December 11, 1998,  the Company filed with the Commission a
preliminary  Revocation of Consent  Statement on Schedule 14A (the  "Preliminary
Consent  Revocation  Statement")  in  opposition to the  solicitation  by JMI of
written consents from the stockholders of the Company. On December 11, 1998, the
Company also filed with the  Commission a Form 8-K reporting that it had amended
its By-Laws (the "Designs  By-Law  Amendment")  to provide,  among other things,
that no action by written consent of the stockholders without a meeting shall be
effective until the date an independent  inspector certifies to the Company that
the  consents  delivered  constitute  at least the minimum  number of votes that
would be necessary to take the corporate action.

                  JMI believes  that the  Company's  existing  business plan and
strategy,  which has been formulated and implemented  under the direction of the
current Board of Directors and management,  has  demonstrably  failed to enhance
stockholder value and the Company's business prospects.  Examples of the results
of this failure can be seen from information reported by the Company:

*        The Company reported an operating loss of  approximately  $46.1 million
         (approximately $21.6 million of which represents a pre-tax nonrecurring
         charge) for the fiscal year ended  January  31, 1998  (reported  in the
         Company's Form 10-K for such fiscal year).

*        The Company  reported an operating loss of  approximately  $5.0 million
         for the quarter ended May 2, 1998  (reported in the Company's Form 10-Q
         for such quarter).

*        The Company  reported an operating loss of  approximately  $5.1 million
         for the quarter ended August 1, 1998  (reported in the  Company's  Form
         10-Q for such quarter).

*        The Company reported an operating loss of  approximately  $15.2 million
         (approximately $13.4 million of which represents a pre-tax nonrecurring
         charge)  for the  quarter  ended  October  31,  1998  (reported  in the
         Company's Form 10-Q for such quarter).

                  The closing price for the  Company's  Common Stock on December
31, 1994, the month in which Mr.  Reichman  became Chief  Executive  Officer was
$7.00.  The closing price for the  Company's  Common Stock on November 25, 1998,
the business day  preceding  the filing by JMI of its initial  Schedule 13D, was
$.69 -- a decline of $6.31 or approximately 90%.

                  Based  upon  JMI's  review  of  the  Company's   business  and
financial  results,  JMI firmly  believes  that the  execution of the  strategic
business plan of the Company as designed and  implemented  by the existing Board
of Directors and management has been a complete  failure for the Company and its

                  If the JMI  Nominees  are elected as directors of the Company,
they will  immediately  undertake a review of the  Company's  business  plan and
management to determine a plan to enhance  stockholder  value.  Based upon JMI's
review of the Company's  existing  business strategy as reported by the Company,
it believes that the Company  should  decisively  return to a business  strategy
focused principally on marketing Levi's(R) and Dockers(R) brand name merchandise
through  factory outlet stores.  JMI believes that the Company should shift away
from,  and  exit,  the  business  associated  with  the  Boston  Trading  Co.(R)
vertically  integrated private label concept and the Buffalo Jeans product, and,
subject to existing commitments, close unprofitable stores.

                  As part of its  overall  review  and  shift  toward  the  core
business of selling  Levi's(R) and  Dockers(R)  branded  merchandise  at factory
outlet stores, the JMI Nominees will examine the existing  management  structure
and personnel and seek to make necessary  management  changes where appropriate.
The JMI Nominees  would also seek to  substantially  reduce  administrative  and
other overhead expenses to become a true low cost retail operator with a goal of
creating  a  sustainable  competitive  advantage.  The JMI  Nominees  would also
consider all other  options to enhance  stockholder  value,  including,  but not
limited to, a sale or merger of the Company or stock buy back programs.

                  This  approach   differs  from  JMI's   understanding  of  the
Company's  present  business  plans in that the Company  does not appear to have
determined to completely focus on merchandizing of Levis(R) and Dockers(R) brand
name  products  through  outlet  stores.   Moreover,  JMI  would  seek  to  more
significantly  reduce  administrative  and other  overhead  expenses  from those
recently proposed by the Company. In addition,  to JMI's knowledge,  the Company
has not  announced  a plan to  consider  changes  to  management  structure  and
personnel.  The foregoing  description  of the Company's  present plans is based

solely upon JMI's  understanding  of such plans based upon the Company's  public
statements  which have been  reviewed by JMI. In addition,  stockholders  should
note that on December 11, 1998, the Company  announced  that it was  considering
strategic  alternatives,  including a possible sale of the Company,  which could
result in a further change in its announced business strategy.

                  As part of this  Consent  Solicitation,  JMI is not seeking to
remove the current chairman,  Stanley I. Berger.  Mr. Holtzman,  the Chairman of
the Board and President of JMI, has personally  known Mr. Berger for many years.
Mr.  Berger had served as the Chief  Executive  Officer of the Company  when the
Company was financially  healthy and since that time, while under the management
of a different Chief Executive Officer,  the financial  condition of the Company
had  deteriorated.  JMI believes  that it would be in the best  interests of the
stockholders  for Mr.  Berger  to  remain  as a  director  of the  Company  and,
therefore, has not proposed that he be removed as a director. However, there can
be no assurance  that Mr. Berger will continue to serve as a director if the JMI
Nominees  are  elected.  If Mr.  Berger  declines  to serve as a director if the
Nominees  are  elected  or were to  resign  prior to the  effectiveness  of this
consent  solicitation,  the JMI Nominees currently intend to fill the vacancy on
the Board  created by his  resignation.  There are no existing  arrangements  or
understandings between Mr. Berger and Mr. Holtzman or his affiliates relating to
the Company or this consent  solicitation.  JMI expects to solicit Mr.  Berger's
(and other  stockholders')  consent in favor of the JMI Proposals and hopes that
he will be willing to remain as a director and/or Chairman of the Company in the
event the JMI Nominees are elected.

                                  THE PROPOSALS

                  JMI is seeking written  consents from the holders of shares of
Common Stock to elect the Nominees and adopt the other Proposals and to take the
following actions without a stockholders meeting, as permitted by the DGCL.

                  The  effectiveness of each of the Proposals is subject to, and
conditioned  upon, the adoption of each of the other Proposals by the holders of
record,  as of the close of  business on the Record  Date,  of a majority of the
shares of the Company's Common Stock then outstanding. However, if Proposal 5 is
not so adopted,  JMI reserves the right to waive this  condition,  but only with
respect to Proposal 5.

                  1.     Board Removal Proposal

                  This proposal would remove each of the current  members of the
Company's Board of Directors  other than the Remaining  Director and the persons
elected pursuant to this consent. The text of the resolution is as follows:

                   "RESOLVED,  that  (i) each  current  member  of the  Board of
                   Directors of the  Company,  other than Stanley I. Berger (the
                   "Remaining  Director")  and (ii) any other  person or persons
                   (other than the  persons  elected  pursuant to this  consent)
                   elected  or  appointed  to  the  Board  of  Directors  of the
                   Company,  prior to the effective time of this resolution,  in
                   addition  to or in  lieu  of  any  of  such  current  members
                   (including  any persons  elected or  appointed in lieu of the
                   Remaining Director) to fill any newly created directorship or

                   vacancy  on  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the  Company,  or
                   otherwise,  is  hereby  removed  and the  office of each such
                   member of the Board of Directors is hereby declared vacant."

                  Delaware law provides, as relevant here, that directors of the
Company may be removed,  with or without cause,  by the holders of a majority of
the  shares  of  Common  Stock  then  entitled  to  vote at an  election  of the
directors.  This Proposal would remove all of the current  directors (other than
the  Remaining  Director)  so that the  Nominees,  if  elected,  along  with the
Remaining Director, would constitute the entire Board of Directors.

                  2.     Director Election Proposal
                  This  proposal  would elect the five  persons  listed below as
directors of the Company. The text of the resolution is as follows:

                  "RESOLVED,  that the following  persons are hereby  elected as
                  directors  of the  Company  to serve  until  their  respective
                  successors are duly elected and qualified:

                  Jesse H. Choper, Seymour Holtzman, Peter R. McMullin,  Deborah
                  M. Rhem-Jackson and Steve R. Tomasi."

                  JMI seeks to replace the current Board of Directors other than
the Remaining Director with its own Nominees.  If elected, the Nominees would be
responsible  for managing the business and affairs of the Company.  The Nominees
understand  that,  as directors of the Company,  each of them has an  obligation
under Delaware law to the  scrupulous  observance of his or her duty of care and
duty of loyalty to the Company and its stockholders.

                  JMI proposes that the JMI Nominees named above,  once elected,
serve  until  the next  annual  meeting  of the  stockholders  and  until  their
successors  have been duly elected and  qualified.  Each of the JMI Nominees has
consented to serve as a director of the Company if elected. See the next Section
for more information about the JMI Nominees.

                  3.     Board Size Proposal

                  This  proposal  would amend  Section 4.1 of the By-Laws to set
the  number of  directors  on the  Board of  Directors  at six.  The text of the
amending resolution to the By-Laws,  which should be carefully reviewed,  is set
forth below.

                  "RESOLVED,  that  the  stockholders  hereby  amend  the  first
                  sentence of Section 4.1 of the By-Laws to read as follows:

                  'The Board of Directors shall consist of six members.'"

                  The  Company  By-Laws  currently  provide  that  the  Board of
Directors shall consist of one or more members, with the number to be determined
from time to time by the Board of Directors.  The Board Size Proposal  would set
the  number of  directors  on the Board of  Directors  at six,  so that,  if the
Director  Election   Proposal  is  approved,  the  Nominees  together  with  the

Remaining Director would constitute the entire Board of Directors.

                  4.     Advance Notification Clarification Proposal

                  This  proposal  would  amend  Section  4.16 of the  By-Laws to
clarify that a stockholder seeking to nominate persons for election to the Board
of Directors by stockholder  action by written  consent need not comply with the
Advance  Notification  Provisions.  The  text  of the  resolution  amending  the
By-Laws, which should be carefully reviewed, is set forth below.

                  "RESOLVED,  that the stockholders hereby amend Section 4.16 of
                  the By-Laws by adding the  following  sentence  after the last
                  sentence thereof:

                  'Notwithstanding  anything  contained  in this Section 4.16 or
                  any other provision of these By-Laws,  any stockholder seeking
                  to nominate  candidates for election to the Board of Directors
                  of the Corporation  pursuant to stockholder  action by written
                  consent   need  not  comply  with  any  advance   notification
                  provisions  contained  in these  By-Laws,  including,  without
                  limitation, this Section 4.16.'"

                  Section 3.13 of the By-Laws provides that any action which may
be taken at any annual or special  meeting of stockholders of the Company may be
taken  without a meeting,  without  prior  notice and without a vote,  if proper
written consent is made to the action as described therein.  Section 4.16 of the
By-Laws  currently  provides,  among other  things,  that:  "No person  shall be
elected by the stockholders as directors of the Corporation  unless nominated in
accordance  with the  procedures set forth in this Section 4.16." The procedures
set forth in Section 4.16 purport to require certain  information to be provided
to the Company within certain specified time frames in order for a nomination to
the Board of Directors to be made other than those made by, or at the  direction
of, the Board of Directors. These procedures appear to apply only to nominations
for  election  to the Board of  Directors  at annual  and  special  meetings  of
stockholders.  Nevertheless, the Advance Notification Clarification Amendment is
being proposed in order to clarify that the  requirements of Section 4.16 of the
By-Laws are  inapplicable  to the  election of  directors  pursuant to action by
written consent of stockholders.

                   5.    By-Law Proposal

                  This proposal  would repeal each provision of any amendment to
the By-Laws  adopted  subsequent to December 11, 1995 (the effective date of the
By-Laws  most  recently  filed by the Company with the  Commission  prior to the
filing by JMI of the  Preliminary  Consent  Statement on December 7, 1998),  and
prior to the  effectiveness  of the Proposals  other than the By-Laws adopted as
contemplated by this Consent Statement. This proposal is designed to prevent the
Board of  Directors  from  taking  actions to amend the  By-Laws to prevent  the
stockholders  from  accomplishing  the  objectives  described  in  this  Consent
Statement. The text of the resolution is set forth below.

                  "RESOLVED, that all By-Laws adopted subsequent to December 11,
                  1995 and prior to the  effectiveness of this resolution (other
                  than  those  specifically  adopted  pursuant  to  the  consent
                  solicitation undertaken by Jewelcor Management, Inc.) shall be
                  null and void and of no force and effect."


                  Section  109 of the  DGCL  provides  that ". . . the  power to
adopt, amend or repeal bylaws shall be in the stockholders  entitled to vote...;
provided,  however,  any corporation  may, in its certificate of  incorporation,
confer the power to adopt,  amend or repeal bylaws upon the  directors.  . . The
fact that such  power has been so  conferred  upon the  directors.  . .shall not
divest the  stockholders  . . . of the power,  nor limit  their  power to adopt,
amend, or repeal bylaws." JMI believes that such an unequivocal  statement makes
it clear that the  stockholders of the Company have the power under Delaware law
to repeal  By-Laws  as  provided  by the By- Law  Proposal,  whether  or not the
By-Laws so amended or repealed are known to the  stockholders.  To the knowledge
of JMI, the Delaware courts have not addressed the validity of a proposal in the
form of the By-Law Proposal. Based upon a review of the By-Laws on file with the
Commission as of December 17, 1998,  JMI does not believe that the invalidity of
this proposal would have an adverse effect on the  stockholders  or this consent
solicitation.   Upon  effectiveness  of  this  proposal,   all  By-Laws  adopted
subsequent  to December 11, 1995,  including  ones that could be  considered  as
beneficial or detrimental to the stockholders, will be repealed.

                  If the Board of Directors  of the Company  adopts any material
amendments  to the  By-Laws  which are  relevant to the  Proposals  prior to the
effectiveness  of  the  Proposals,   JMI  may  forward  additional  solicitation
materials to the Company's stockholders regarding such actions.


                  Set forth below are the name, age, business  address,  present
principal  occupation and employment  history of each of the JMI Nominees for at
least the past five years.  This  information  has been  furnished to JMI by the
respective  Nominees.  Each of the Nominees has consented to serve as a director
of the Company.  Each of the  Nominees is at least 18 years of age.  None of the
entities referenced below is a parent or subsidiary of the Company.

   Name, Age and              
 Business Address                  Principal Occupation and Five Year History
 ----------------                  ------------------------------------------

Jesse H. Choper, 63       Mr.  Choper  has  been the Earl  Warren  Professor  of
University of California  Public Law at the University of California at Berkeley
at Berkeley               School of Law since  1965.  Professor  Choper  was the
School of Law             Dean of the Law School from 1982 to 1992.  In 1996, he
Berkeley, CA 94720        was a visiting  Professor at  Universitad  Autonoma in
                          Barcelona,  Spain. From 1960 to 1961, Professor Choper
                          was a law clerk for Chief Justice Earl Warren.

Seymour Holtzman, 63      Mr.  Holtzman  is  the  founder  and  Chief  Executive
100 North Wilkes-Barre    Officer of Jewelcor  Management,  Inc. Since 1990, Mr.
Blvd.                     Holtzman  has served as Chairman  and Chief  Executive
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702    Officer of each of Jewelcor  Management &  Consulting,
                          Inc.,  located  in  Wilkes-Barre,  Pennsylvania;  C.D.
                          Peacock,  Inc.,  a Chicago,  Illinois  retail  jewelry
                          establishment;  Central  European  Capital  Investors,
                          Inc.,  an  investment  company  operating  in  eastern
                          Europe;  and S.A.  Peck &  Company,  a retail and mail
                          order jewelry company based in Chicago, Illinois.

Peter R. McMullin, 55     Mr.  McMullin is the co-founder of Southeast  Research
2101 Corporate Boulevard  Partners, Inc. ("Southeast") and has been an Executive
Suite 402                 Vice  President  and a managing  director of Southeast
Boca Raton, FL 33431      since its  inception  in June 1990.  Since  1997,  Mr.
                          McMullin has been the Executive Vice President,  Chief
                          Investment Officer and a director of Research Partners
                          International,  a company that provides  institutional
                          research, investment banking, securities brokerage and
                          trading services through its principal subsidiaries.

Deborah M. Rhem-          Mrs.  Rhem-Jackson has, in the last five years, been a
Jackson, 41               part-time  accounting professor at SUNY College at Old
190 Delhi Road            Westbury and Monroe College in New Rochelle, New York.
Scarsdale, NY 10583       Prior to her  years  in  academia,  Mrs.  Rhem-Jackson
                          spent  seven   years  at  Chemical   Bank  in  various
                          capacities,  having  most  recently  served  as a Vice
                          President  and  Curriculum  Manager from 1988 to 1990.
                          She has previously  worked as a financial  analyst for
                          W.R.  Grace & Company  and as a staff  accountant  for
                          Price  Waterhouse.   Mrs.   Rhem-Jackson   received  a
                          Bachelor of Science from Syracuse University School of
                          Management  and a Master  of  Business  Administration
                          from  Columbia  University.  Mrs.  Rhem-Jackson  is  a
                          Certified Public Accountant.

Steve R. Tomasi, 32       Mr. Tomasi is a Certified  Public  Accountant and is a
433 Plaza Road            full-time  portfolio  management  consultant  for JMI.
Suite 365                 From March 1996 to November 1998, Mr. Tomasi served as
Boca Raton, FL 33932      the  Director  of Bank  and  Thrift  Research  for SNL
                          Securities,  LC. He was an Assistant Vice President of
                          Balance  Sheet  Management  at Crestar  Bank from June
                          1993 to  March  1996.  Mr.  Tomasi  has  served  as an
                          in-charge  auditor for Price  Waterhouse  from 1988 to

             Except as set forth in this  Consent  Statement  or in the  Annexes
hereto, to the best knowledge of JMI, none of the Nominees is employed by JMI or
Seymour  Holtzman.  All of the Nominees are citizens of the United  States.  Mr.
McMullin is also a citizen of Canada.

                  Except  as set  forth  in  this  Consent  Statement  or in the
Annexes  hereto,  to the best  knowledge of JMI, none of JMI, any of the persons
participating in this  solicitation on behalf of JMI, the JMI Nominees and, with
respect to items (i), (vii) and (viii) of this paragraph,  any associate (within
the meaning of Rule 14a-1 of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as amended
(the "Exchange Act")) of the foregoing persons (i) owns  beneficially,  directly

or indirectly any securities of the Company, (ii) owns beneficially, directly or
indirectly any securities of any parent or subsidiary of the Company, (iii) owns
any securities of the Company of record but not beneficially, (iv) has purchased
or sold any  securities  of the  Company  within  the past  two  years,  (v) has
incurred  indebtedness for the purpose of acquiring or holding securities of the
Company,  (vi) is or has  within  the past  year  been a party to any  contract,
arrangement  or  understanding  with respect to any  securities  of the Company,
(vii) since the beginning of the Company's last fiscal year has been indebted to
the  Company or any of its  subsidiaries  in excess of $60,000 or (viii) has any
arrangement or understanding with respect to future employment by the Company or
with  respect  to any  future  transactions  to which the  Company or any of its
affiliates  will or may be a party.  In  addition,  except  as set forth in this
Consent  Statement or in the Annexes hereto,  to the best knowledge of JMI, none
of JMI, any of the persons  participating in this solicitation on behalf of JMI,
the JMI Nominees and any associates of the foregoing  persons,  has had or is to
have a direct or  indirect  material  interest  in any  transaction  or proposed
transaction with the Company in which the amount involved exceeds $60,000, since
the beginning of the Company's last fiscal year.

                  Except  as set  forth  in  this  Consent  Statement  or in the
Annexes  hereto,  to the best knowledge of JMI, none of the Nominees,  since the
beginning of the Company's  last fiscal year, has been  affiliated  with (i) any
entity  that made or  received,  or during the  Company's  current  fiscal  year
proposes to make or receive, payments to or from the Company or its subsidiaries
for  property or services in excess of five  percent of either the  Company's or
such entity's consolidated gross revenues for its last full fiscal year, or (ii)
any entity to which the Company or its  subsidiaries  was indebted at the end of
the  Company's  last full  fiscal year in an  aggregate  amount  exceeding  five
percent of the Company's total consolidated assets at the end of such year. None
of the Nominees is or during the Company's last fiscal year has been  affiliated
with any law or  investment  banking  firm that has  performed  or  proposes  to
perform services for the Company.

                  To the best  knowledge  of JMI,  none of the  corporations  or
organizations   in  which  the  JMI  Nominees  have  conducted  their  principal
occupation or  employment  was a parent,  subsidiary  or other  affiliate of the
Company, and the Nominees do not hold any position or office with the Company or
have any family  relationship  with any  executive  officer or  director  of the
Company or have been involved in any  proceedings,  legal or  otherwise,  of the
type required to be disclosed by the rules governing this solicitation.

                  JMI has  agreed  to  indemnify  each of the  Nominees  against
certain liabilities, including liabilities under the federal securities laws, in
connection with this consent  solicitation and such person's  involvement in the
operation  of  the  Company  and  to  reimburse  such  Nominee  for  his  or her
out-of-pocket expenses.

                  Certain additional information about the employees of JMI, its
affiliates  and  other  persons  who are not  Nominees  and  who may  assist  in
soliciting consents is set forth in Annex A.

                        CERTAIN EFFECTS OF THE PROPOSALS

                  Set forth  below is a  description  of certain  provisions  of
certain  agreements to which the Company is a party which may be implicated as a
result  of the  adoption  of  certain  of the  Proposals.  This  description  is
qualified in its entirety by reference to such agreements  which have been filed
by the Company with the Commission.  Other documents or arrangements  applicable
to the Company not  available  to or not  reviewed by JMI may affect the matters
described  below or may be affected by the matters  contemplated  by the Consent

                   The  Director  Removal  Proposal  and the  Director  Election
Proposal,  if adopted,  may trigger  "change of control"  provisions  in certain
agreements to which the Company is a party.

Credit Agreement
- ----------------

                  On June 4, 1998 the Company  entered into a $50 million credit
agreement  (the  "Credit  Agreement")  with  BankBoston  Retail  Finance,   Inc.
("BankBoston").  The Credit Agreement  provides that the removal and replacement
of a majority of the Board of Directors as contemplated by the Director  Removal
Proposal  would  constitute  an "event of default."  Upon the  occurrence  of an
"event of default"  any and all  "Liabilities"  shall  either (i) become due and
payable without any further act on the part of BankBoston or any other lender or
(ii) become  immediately  due and payable,  at the option of BankBoston  without
notice or demand. Liabilities include, among other things, the obligation to pay
any loan or advance and any interest thereon.  JMI expects to seek to either (i)
assist the Company in making alternative  financing  arrangements to replace the
Credit Agreement or (ii) have the Company seek from BankBoston confirmation that
no "change of control"  has occurred or waive the effects of any such "change of
control."  There  can  be no  assurance  that  either  of the  foregoing  can be
implemented  or agreed,  or if  implemented  or agreed,  the terms on which such
implementation or agreement may be reached.

Employment Agreements
- ---------------------

                  The Company has entered into  employment  agreements  (each an
"Employment Agreement" and collectively,  the "Employment Agreements") with each
of Joel H. Reichman,  the President and Chief Executive Officer, Scott N. Semel,
Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary, and Carolyn Faulkner, Vice
President and Chief Financial Officer (each an "Executive" and collectively, the
"Executives"). The Employment Agreements provide that removal and replacement of
a majority of the Board of Directors  as  contemplated  by the Director  Removal
Proposal  and the  Director  Election  Proposal  would  constitute  a "change of

                  If, among other  things,  any of the  Executives is terminated
without justifiable cause or if the Company shall fail to renew such Executive's
Employment  Agreement  within two years of a "change of  control,"  the  Company
shall upon such termination,  immediately pay such Executive, the greater of (i)
two  times  the  then  annual  salary  of such  Executive  or (ii)  1/12 of such
Executive's  then annual salary  multiplied by the number of months remaining in

the term (the "Severance  Period").  In addition,  the Company shall continue to
allow such Executive to participate,  at the Company's expense, in the Company's
health  insurance and disability  insurance  programs,  to the extent  permitted
under such  programs,  during the Severance  Period and shall pay such Executive
additional  compensation  to enable  such  Executive  to pay any tax that may be
imposed by Section 280G of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.  Based
on  publicly  available  filings,  the  current  annual  salaries of each of Mr.
Reichman,  Mr. Semel and Ms.  Faulkner  are  $375,000,  $290,000  and  $210,000,

Stock Options
- -------------

                  Pursuant  to the  Company's  1992  Stock  Incentive  Plan,  as
amended (the "1992 Stock Incentive  Plan"),  incentive and  non-incentive  stock
options,  unrestricted and restricted stock awards and performance  share awards
may be granted to full or part time officers and other selected employees of the
Company  and its  subsidiaries.  In  addition,  the 1992  Stock  Incentive  Plan
provides that each  non-employee  director of the Company that is elected by the
stockholders  initially will be granted,  upon such election,  a stock option to
purchase,  up to 10,000  shares of the  Company's  Common Stock at the then fair
market value of the Common Stock.  The 1992 Stock  Incentive  Plan also provides
that each  non-employee  director of the Company that is re-elected to the Board
is granted, upon such re-election, a stock option to purchase up to 3,000 shares
of Common Stock at the then fair market value of the Common Stock.

                  Each stock option granted under the 1992 Stock  Incentive Plan
will  automatically  become fully  exercisable  upon a "change of control."  For
purposes of the 1992 Stock Incentive Plan, the Director  Removal  Proposal would
constitute a "change of  control."  In addition,  upon a "change of control" all
restrictions  on  restricted  stock  are  automatically  deemed  waived  and the
recipients of such  restricted  stock awards shall become entitled to receipt of
the stock subject to such awards.

                  The  following,   which  is  based  on  the  Company's   proxy
statements for the annual  meetings of  stockholders  for each of 1996, 1997 and
1998 and qualified in its entirety by reference  thereto,  sets forth the number
of options and the  exercise  price of such  options for the  Executives  listed
above for each of 1995, 1996 and 1997.

NAME 1995 GRANT 1996 GRANT 1997 GRANT ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- Joel H. Reichman 50,000 at $10.50 40,000 at $6.875 270,000 at $12.00 Scott N. Semel 50,000 at $10.50 40,000 at $6.875 150,000 at $12.00 Carolyn R. Faulkner ---- 20,000 at $6.125 80,000 at $12.00
Trademark and License Agreement - ------------------------------- The Company is a party to an Amended and Restated Trademark License Agreement (the "License Agreement") with Levi Strauss & Co. ("Levi Strauss") pursuant to which, among other things, Levi Strauss has granted certain rights to use certain Levi Strauss trademarks in connection with the Company's business. The License Agreement purports to restrict assignments, sublicenses or other transfers (a "transfer") by the Company of its rights or obligations under the License Agreement without the prior written approval of Levi Strauss, and to further provide that a "transfer" shall include any direct or indirect transfer of control of the Company. The License Agreement further provides that any attempt to "transfer" without the prior written consent of Levi Strauss shall be void and deemed a material breach of the License Agreement, which would purport to permit Levi Strauss to, among other remedies available under law, terminate the License Agreement 120 days after written notice is given to the Company, unless the breach is cured. While JMI does not believe that a change in the Board of Directors pursuant to a validly authorized shareholder action constitutes a "transfer" under the License Agreement, in the event that Levi Strauss were to take the position that election of the JMI Nominees constitutes a "transfer" or other material breach under the License Agreement, JMI would seek to have Levi Strauss confirm that no "transfer" or breach has occurred. There can be no assurance that Levi Strauss would so agree and, if (i) it were ultimately determined that a "transfer" and breach had occurred, (ii) such breach were not cured within the requisite time period and (iii) Levi Strauss were to ultimately terminate the License Agreement, the Company's business could be materially adversely effected. THE CONSENT PROCEDURE Section 228 of the DGCL states that, unless otherwise provided in a corporation's certificate of incorporation, any action that may be taken at any annual or special meeting of stockholders may be taken without a meeting, without prior notice and without a vote, if consents in writing, setting forth the action so taken, shall be signed by the holders of outstanding stock having not less than the minimum number of votes that would be necessary to authorize or take such action at a meeting at which all shares entitled to vote thereon were present and voted, and those consents are delivered to the corporation by delivery to its registered office in Delaware, its principal place of business or an officer or agent of the corporation having custody of the book in which proceedings of meetings of stockholders are recorded. In the case of this consent solicitation, written, unrevoked consents of the holders of a majority of the outstanding shares of Common Stock as of the Record Date must be delivered to the Company as described above to effect the actions as to which consents are being solicited hereunder. Section 228 of the DGCL further provides that no written consent shall be effective to take the corporate action referred to therein unless, within 60 days of the earliest dated consent delivered in the manner required by Section 228, written consents signed by a sufficient number of holders to take such action are delivered to the corporation in the manner required by Section 228. IT IS CURRENTLY THE INTENTION OF JMI TO CEASE THE SOLICITATION OF CONSENTS ONCE IT HAS DETERMINED THAT VALID AND UNREVOKED CONSENTS REPRESENTING A MAJORITY OF THE ISSUED AND OUTSTANDING SHARES OF COMMON STOCK AS OF THE RECORD DATE HAVE BEEN OBTAINED AND TO DELIVER SUCH CONSENTS TO THE COMPANY IN THE MANNER REQUIRED BY SECTION 228 OF THE DGCL AS SOON AS PRACTICABLE THEREAFTER. WHEN THE PROPOSALS FOR WHICH CONSENTS ARE GIVEN BECOME EFFECTIVE, A STOCKHOLDER WILL BE UNABLE TO REVOKE HIS OR HER CONSENT. If the actions described herein are taken, the Company will promptly notify the stockholders who have not consented to the actions taken as required by the DGCL. Consents may only be executed by stockholders of record at the close of business on the Record Date. The Company reported that, as of December 7, 1998, it had outstanding 15,878,233 shares of Common Stock. Based on its review of publicly available information, JMI is not aware of any change since December 7, 1998 in the number of outstanding shares of Common Stock. Based upon these numbers, the number of votes necessary to effect the Proposals is 7,939,117 shares. Since JMI must receive consents from a majority of the Company's outstanding shares in order for the Proposals to be adopted, a broker non-vote or direction to withhold authority to vote on the WHITE consent card will have the same effect as a "no" vote with respect to JMI's solicitation. Consent Card Special Instructions - --------------------------------- If you were a record holder as of the close of business on the Record Date, you may elect to consent to, withhold consent or abstain with respect to each Proposal by marking the "CONSENT," "WITHHOLD CONSENT" or "ABSTAIN" box, as applicable, underneath EACH such Proposal on the accompanying WHITE consent card and signing, dating and returning it promptly in the enclosed postage-paid envelope. The accompanying WHITE consent card will be voted in accordance with the stockholder's instruction on such WHITE consent card. As to the Proposals set forth herein, stockholders may consent to an individual Proposal or may withhold their consent by marking the proper box in the WHITE consent card. If the enclosed WHITE consent card is signed and returned and no direction is given, it will be voted in favor of all of the Proposals and if the WHITE consent card is signed and returned and not dated, it will be dated on or about the date it is received. IF THE STOCKHOLDER WHO HAS EXECUTED AND RETURNED THE CONSENT CARD HAS FAILED TO CHECK A BOX MARKED "CONSENT," "WITHHOLD CONSENT," OR "ABSTAIN" FOR ANY OR ALL OF THE PROPOSALS, SUCH STOCKHOLDER CONSENT CARD WILL BE VOTED IN FAVOR OF SUCH PROPOSAL OR PROPOSALS. JMI RECOMMENDS THAT YOU CONSENT TO EACH OF THE PROPOSALS. YOUR CONSENT IS IMPORTANT. PLEASE MARK, SIGN AND DATE THE ENCLOSED WHITE CONSENT CARD AND RETURN IT IN THE ENCLOSED POSTAGE-PAID ENVELOPE PROMPTLY. FAILURE TO RETURN YOUR CONSENT WILL HAVE THE SAME EFFECT AS WITHHOLDING CONSENT TO THE PROPOSALS. If your shares are held in the name of a brokerage firm, bank nominee or other institution, you should contact the person responsible for your account and give instructions for the WHITE consent card representing your shares to be marked, dated, signed and mailed. Only that institution can execute a WHITE consent card with respect to your shares held in the name of the institution and only upon receipt of specific instructions from you. JMI urges you to confirm in writing your instructions to the person responsible for your account and to provide a copy of those instructions to JMI in care of DF King at the address set forth herein under "Summary of Consent Procedure" so that JMI will be aware of all instructions given and can attempt to ensure that such instructions are followed. BROKER NON-VOTES, ABSTENTIONS OR FAILURE TO RETURN A SIGNED CONSENT WILL HAVE THE SAME EFFECT AS WITHHOLDING CONSENT TO THE PROPOSALS. JMI URGES EACH STOCKHOLDER TO ENSURE THAT THE RECORD HOLDER OF HIS OR HER SHARES MARKS, SIGNS, DATES AND RETURNS THE ENCLOSED CONSENT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. CERTAIN OTHER INFORMATION REGARDING THE COMPANY; STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS Stockholders are referred to the Company's Preliminary Consent Revocation Statement with respect to the compensation and remuneration paid and payable and other information related to the Company's officers and directors and to the beneficial ownership of the Company's securities. Certain information regarding beneficial ownership of the Common Stock, as reported by the Company in such statement, is set forth in Annex C attached hereto. The Preliminary Consent Revocation Statement stated that the deadline for stockholders to submit proposals for inclusion in the Company's proxy statement for next year's Annual Meeting of Stockholders is January 5, 1999. APPRAISAL RIGHTS Stockholders of the Company are not entitled to appraisal rights in connection with the adoption of the Proposals. VOTING; REVOCATION; COSTS OF CONSENT SOLICITATION Written consents may be solicited by mail, advertisement, telephone, facsimile or in person. Solicitations may be made by officers of JMI; however, no person will receive additional compensation for such solicitation other than DF King. If your shares are registered in your own name, you may mail or fax your consent to JMI in care of DF King at the address listed below. If your shares are held in "street name" (held by your brokerage firm or bank), immediately instruct your broker or bank representative -------- ---- ------ -- ---- -------------- to sign the WHITE consent card and mail it to JMI in care of DF King, who will promptly deliver it. Please be certain to include the name of your brokerage firm or bank. If you have additional questions, please call: D.F. KING & CO., INC. 77 Water Street, 20th Floor New York, NY 10005 Call Toll-Free: (800) 431-9643 Banks and Brokers call collect: (212) 269-5550 A consent executed by a stockholder may be revoked at any time before its exercise by submitting (i) a written, dated revocation of such consent or (ii) a later dated consent covering the same shares. A revocation may be in any written form validly signed by the record holder as long as it clearly states that the consent previously given is no longer effective and must be executed and delivered prior to the time that the action authorized by the executed consent is taken. The revocation may be delivered to Jewelcor Management, Inc., c/o D.F. King & Co., Inc., 77 Water Street, 20th Floor, New York, NY 10005, Attn.: Thomas Long. Although a revocation or later dated consent delivered only to the Company will be effective to revoke a previously executed consent, JMI requests that if a revocation or later dated consent is delivered to the Company, a photocopy of the revocation or later dated consent also be delivered to JMI in care of DF King, at the address set forth above, so that JMI will be aware of such revocation. JMI has retained DF King to act as an advisor in connection with this consent solicitation. Approximately 25 employees of DF King will engage in the solicitation. JMI has agreed to pay DF King a fee of up to $30,000 plus reasonable out-of-pocket expenses. In connection with its retention by JMI, DF King agreed to provide consulting and analytic services and provide solicitation services with respect to banks, brokers, institutional investors and individual stockholders. JMI has agreed to indemnify DF King against certain liabilities and expenses, including liabilities and expenses under the federal securities laws. The purpose of the Proposals being made by JMI in this Consent Statement is to advance the interests of all of the Company's stockholders. Therefore, JMI believes that its expenses in connection with the consent solicitation should be reimbursed by the Company. The cost of the solicitation of consents to the Proposals will be initially borne by JMI. JMI intends to seek reimbursement of its expenses from the Company if the JMI Nominees are elected to the Board of Directors. This request will not be submitted to a stockholder vote. Costs related to the solicitation of consents to the Proposals include expenditures for attorneys, consent solicitors, printing, postage, and filing fees and are expected to aggregate approximately $200,000. The actual costs and expenses could be materially different than the estimate set for above, and, in particular, could be substantially higher if for any reason litigation is instituted in connection with the matters related to this Consent Statement. YOUR CONSENT IS IMPORTANT. NO MATTER HOW MANY OR HOW FEW SHARES YOU OWN, PLEASE CONSENT TO THE REMOVAL OF THE CURRENT BOARD OF DIRECTORS (OTHER THAN THE REMAINING DIRECTOR), THE AMENDMENT OF THE BY-LAWS TO SET THE NUMBER OF DIRECTORS AND TO CLARIFY THAT THE ADVANCE NOTIFICATION PROVISIONS DO NOT APPLY, THE ELECTION OF THE JMI NOMINEES AND THE REPEAL OF ANY BY-LAWS ADOPTED SINCE DECEMBER 11, 1995 (OTHER THAN THE BY-LAWS ADOPTED BY THIS CONSENT) BY MARKING, SIGNING, DATING AND MAILING THE ENCLOSED WHITE CONSENT CARD PROMPTLY. ONLY YOUR LATEST DATED CONSENT COUNTS. JEWELCOR MANAGEMENT, INC. December 21, 1998
ANNEX A INFORMATION CONCERNING EMPLOYEES OF JMI, ITS AFFILIATES AND OTHER PERSONS WHO ARE NOT NOMINEES AND WHO MAY SOLICIT CONSENTS The following table sets forth the name and the present principal occupation or employment, of each employee of JMI, its affiliates and other persons who is not a Nominee and who may assist in soliciting consents. Information regarding Nominees is set forth in "The Proposals" in this Consent Statement. The principal business address of each person listed below is 100 North Wilkes-Barre Boulevard, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702. Name and Principal Business Address Present Principal Occupation or Employment - ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ James R. Verano Vice President - Finance Richard L. Huffsmith Vice President - General Counsel Brian Bufalino Attorney at Law Jacqueline Quigley Administrative Assistant to Seymour Holtzman, President and Chief Executive Officer
ANNEX B JMI TRANSACTIONS IN DESIGNS, INC. COMMON STOCK The following table sets forth information with respect to all purchases of Common Stock of the Company by JMI during the past two years. Except as set forth below, to the knowledge of JMI, no participant in this solicitation or JMI Nominee has purchased or sold securities of the Company within the past two years. Trade Date Number of Shares Purchased Total Costs ---------- -------------------------- ----------- 10/26/98 50,000 $36,765.00 11/9/98 225,000 $164,265.00 11/10/98 166,700 $105,036.00 11/17/98 600,000 $330,015.00 11/30/98 528,500 $340,897.50
Please see the section titled "Information about JMI" in this Consent Statement for information regarding the relationship between JMI, Mr. Seymour Holtzman and certain other persons.
ANNEX C SHARE OWNERSHIP OF DESIGNS, INC. AS REPORTED IN THE PRELIMINARY CONSENT REVOCATION STATEMENT DATED DECEMBER 11, 1998 The following table sets forth certain information with respect to the beneficial ownership of the Company's Common Stock by (a) all persons who were reported to be beneficial owners of five percent or more of the Company's Common Stock (other than JMI), (b) directors and certain executive officers of the Company and (c) all directors and executive officers as a group as of December 7, 1998, as reported in the Preliminary Consent Revocation Statement. This information is qualified in its entirety by reference to the Preliminary Consent Revocation Statement. JMI makes no representations as to the accuracy of such information. Moreover, because changes in beneficial ownership may have occurred since the effective dates of the filings cited below, such information, even if accurate as of the time of filing, may no longer be valid. NAME AND ADDRESS/TITLE NUMBER OF SHARES OF BENEFICIAL OWNER BENEFICIALLY OWNED PERCENTAGE OF CLASS (1) ------------------- ------------------ ----------------------- Heartland Advisors, Inc 1,097,000(2) 6.9% 790 North Milwaukee Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202 Franklin Resources, Inc 1,900,000(3) 12.1% 777 Mariners Island Boulevard San Mateo, California 94403 Grace & White, Inc 1,206,250(4) 7.6% 515 Madison Avenue New York, New York 10022 Dimensional Fund Advisors Inc 910,300(5) 5.7% 1299 Ocean Avenue, 11th Floor Santa Monica, California 90401 Stanley I. Berger 1,197,106(6) 7.4% Chairman of the Board and Director Joel H. Reichman 349,121(7) 2.2% President, Chief Executive Officer and Director Scott N. Semel 267,203(8) 1.7% Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary Carolyn R. Faulkner 55,333(9) * Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer Mark S. Lisnow -0-(10) * Former Senior Vice President, Merchandising James G. Groninger 49,604(11) * Director Melvin I. Shapiro 57,326(12) * Director Bernard M. Manuel 61,706(13) * Director Peter L. Thigpen 28,304(14) * Director Directors, Executive Officers and a 2,065,703(15) 12.3% former Executive Officer as a group (9 persons) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ * Less than 1% (1) A total of 15,878,233 shares of Common Stock was outstanding as of December 7, 1998. (2) The Company received a report on Schedule 13G dated November 30, 1998 stating that Heartland Advisors, Inc. ("HAI") was the beneficial owner of and had sole voting and dispositive power with respect to the number of shares of Common Stock set forth opposite its name in the table. The report on Schedule 13G described the relationship among HAI and certain investment advisory accounts and a registered investment company but did not affirm the existence of a group. Nevertheless, the Company believes that HAI, such investment accounts and the investment company may be deemed to constitute a "group" as that term is used in Section 13(d)(3) of the Securities Exchange Act, as amended, and that such group may be deemed to be the beneficial owner of the shares described in this footnote. (3) Franklin Resources, Inc. ("Franklin") informed the Company that, as of May 6, 1998, it was the beneficial owner of the number of shares of Common Stock set forth opposite its name in the table and that, as of such date, Franklin had sole voting and dispositive power with respect to all such shares. The Company previously received a report on Schedule 13G with a signature dated January 16, 1998 stating that Franklin, as parent holding company of Franklin Advisory Services, Inc. ("FASI"), was reporting the beneficial ownership of FASI and its principal shareholders, Charles B. Johnson and Rupert H. Johnson, Jr., as result of FASI acting as an investment adviser to several investment companies and other managed accounts registered under the Investment Company Act. The report on Schedule 13G indicates that at December 31, 1997 FASI had sole voting power with respect to 1,494,000 shares and that FASI may be deemed to beneficially own, within the meaning of Rule 13d-3 of the Exchange Act, 1,494,000 shares over which it had sole dispositive power. The report described the relationship among Franklin, FASI, Charles B. Johnson and Rupert H. Johnson, Jr., but it denied the existence of a group. Nevertheless, the Company believes that Franklin, FASI, Charles B. Johnson and Rupert H. Johnson, Jr., may be deemed to constitute a "group" as that term is used in Section 13 (d) (3) of the Exchange Act, and that such group may be deemed to be the beneficial owner of the shares described in this footnote. (4) The Company received a report on Schedule 13G dated February 12, 1998 stating that Grace & White, Inc. ("Grace & White") was the beneficial owner of the number of shares of Common Stock set forth opposite its name in the table. The report on Schedule 13G indicates that at December 31, 1997 Grace & White had sole voting power with respect to 30,100 shares and that Grace & White may be deemed to beneficially own, within the meaning of Rule 13d-3 of the Exchange Act, 1,206,250 shares over which it had sole dispositive power. The report indicated that the shares were acquired in the ordinary course of Grace & White's investment advisory business and not with the purpose of changing or influencing the control of the Company. (5) The Company received a report on Schedule 13G with a signature dated February 9, 1998 stating that Dimensional Fund Advisors Inc. ("DFAI") was reporting the beneficial ownership of DFAI and advisory clients of DFAI, including DFA Investment Dimensions Group Inc. ("DFA Fund") and The DFA Investment Trust Company ("DFA Trust"), each an open-end management investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended. The report on Schedule 13G and the correspondence accompanying the report indicated that at December 31, 1997 DFAI had sole voting power with respect to 588,900 shares and that DFAI may be deemed to beneficially own, within the meaning of Rule 13d-3 of the Exchange Act, 910,300 shares over which it had sole dispositive power. The report described the relationship among DFAI, DFA Fund and DFA Trust but did not affirm the existence of a group. Nevertheless, the Company believes that DFAI, DFA Fund and DFA Trust may be deemed to constitute a "group" as that term is used in Section 13 (d) (3) of the Exchange Act, and that such group may be deemed to be the beneficial owner of the shares described in this footnote. (6) Includes 238,500 shares issuable pursuant to outstanding stock options exercisable within 60 days of December 7, 1998. (7) Includes 303,166 shares issuable pursuant to outstanding stock options exercisable within 60 days of December 7, 1998, as well as 280 shares owned by Mr. Reichman's wife and 427 shares owned by Mr. Reichman's children, as to which 707 shares Mr. Reichman disclaims beneficial ownership. (8) Includes 229,166 shares issuable pursuant to outstanding stock options exercisable within 60 days of December 7, 1998, as well as 450 shares owned by Mr. Semel's daughter, as to which he disclaims beneficial ownership. (9) Includes 42,466 shares issuable pursuant to outstanding stock options exercisable within 60 days of December 7, 1998. (10) Mr. Lisnow's employment with the company and his service as an officer of the company ended on February 13, 1998. The information in the table with respect to shares beneficially owned by Mr. Lisnow is based solely upon information available to the Company. (11) Includes 40,500 shares issuable pursuant to outstanding stock options exercisable within 60 days of December 7, 1998. (12) Includes 40,500 shares issuable pursuant to outstanding stock options exercisable within 60 days of December 7, 1998 and 450 shares owned by Mr. Shapiro's wife as to which he disclaims beneficial ownership. (13) Includes 40,500 shares issuable pursuant to outstanding stock options exercisable within 60 days of December 7, 1998. (14) Includes 19,000 shares issuable pursuant to outstanding stock options exercisable within 60 days of December 7, 1998. (15) Includes 953,798 shares issuable pursuant to outstanding stock options exercisable within 60 days of December 7, 1998. See also Notes 6 through 9 and 11 through 14 above for further details concerning such options.
APPENDIX 1 DESIGNS, INC. CONSENT OF STOCKHOLDERS TO ACTION WITHOUT A MEETING: THIS CONSENT IS SOLICITED BY JEWELCOR MANAGEMENT, INC. ("JMI") The undersigned, a stockholder of record of DESIGNS, INC. (the "Company"), hereby consents pursuant to Section 228 of the Delaware General Corporation Law, with respect to the number of shares of common stock, par value $0.01 per share, of the Company held by the undersigned, to each of the following actions without a prior notice and without a vote as more fully described in JMI's consent statement (the "Consent Statement"), receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. JMI STRONGLY RECOMMENDS THAT STOCKHOLDERS CONSENT TO THE FOLLOWING PROPOSALS: 1. Director Removal Proposal: Remove (i) all current members of -------------------------- the Company's Board of Directors (the "Board of Directors") other than Stanley I. Berger and (ii) any other person or persons (other than the persons elected pursuant to this Consent) elected or appointed to the Board of Directors prior to the effective time of this stockholder action in addition to or in lieu of any of such current members (including, any persons elected or appointed in lieu of Stanley I. Berger) to fill any newly created directorship or vacancy on the Board of Directors or otherwise, pursuant to the resolution set forth in the Consent Statement. _ CONSENT _ WITHHOLD CONSENT _ ABSTAIN If no box is marked with respect to the Director Removal Proposal, this Consent will be voted in favor of the removal of the directors of the Company as set forth above. 2. Director Election Proposal: Elect Jesse H. Choper, Seymour ---------------------------- Holtzman, Peter R. McMullin, Deborah M. Rhem-Jackson and Steve R. Tomasi (collectively, the "Nominees") as directors of the Company to serve until their respective successors are duly elected and qualified, pursuant to the resolution set forth in the Consent Statement. _ CONSENT _ WITHHOLD CONSENT _ ABSTAIN To withhold consent to any proposed Nominee(s), specify the Nominee(s) in the following space: -------------------------------------------------------------- If no box is marked above with respect to the Director Election Proposal, this Consent will be voted in favor of the election of all five Nominees, except that this Consent will not be voted in favor of the election of any Nominee whose name is written in the space provided. 3. Board Size Proposal: Amend Section 4.1 of the By-Laws of the -------------------- Company (the "By-Laws") to set the number of directors on the Board of Directors at six, pursuant to the resolution set forth in the Consent Statement. _ CONSENT _ WITHHOLD CONSENT _ ABSTAIN If no box is marked with respect to the Board Size Proposal, this Consent will be voted in favor of the amendment of the By-Laws as set forth above. 4. Advanced Notification Clarification Proposal: Amend Section ---------------------------------------------- 4.16 of the ByLaws to clarify that a stockholder seeking to nominate candidates for election to the Board of Directors pursuant to a stockholder action by written consent need not comply with the advance notification provisions of the By-Laws applicable to the nomination of candidates in connection with meetings of the stockholders, pursuant to the resolution set forth in the Consent Statement. _ CONSENT _ WITHHOLD CONSENT _ ABSTAIN If no box is marked with respect to Advance Notification Clarification Proposal, this Consent will be voted in favor of the amendment of the ByLaws as set forth above. 5. By-Law Proposal: Repeal any By-Laws adopted by the Board of Directors subsequent to December 11, 1995 (other than the By-Laws adopted by this Consent) and prior to the effectiveness of all of the foregoing Proposals, pursuant to the resolution set forth in the Consent Statement. _ CONSENT _ WITHHOLD CONSENT _ ABSTAIN If no box is marked with respect to the By-Law Proposal, this Consent will be voted in favor of the repeal of any By-Laws adopted since December 11, 1995 as set forth above. PLEASE ACT PROMPTLY. IMPORTANT: THIS CONSENT MUST BE SIGNED AND DATED TO BE VALID. Dated: Signature: Signature (if held jointly): Title or Authority (if applicable): _____________________________ Please sign exactly as name appears hereon. If shares are registered in more than one name, the signature of all such persons should be provided. A corporation should sign in its full corporate name by a duly authorized officer, stating his or her title. Trustees, guardians, executors and administrators should sign in their official capacity, giving their full title as such. If a partnership, please sign in the partnership name by authorized persons. The consent card votes all shares in all capacities. PLEASE MARK, SIGN AND DATE THIS CONSENT BEFORE MAILING THE CONSENT IN THE ENCLOSED ENVELOPE.